I would love some lunch ideas!

I would love some lunch ideas! I have been having a salad and a piece of spinach mushroom quiche (I found the recipe on here). I want to change it up a bit from time to time and would love some new ideas.


  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    How about:

    Ryvita with low fat cheese spread

    Salad with chicken or tuna

    Wrap with either tuna or chicken or whatever filling you fancy

    Soup (getting colder)

    Sandwiches (I use weight watchers malted with some either ham or chicken)

    Hope that helps:bigsmile:
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Thick soups are good, especially in the winter. I often have a bowl of soup, possibly with beans or a little pasta in it, or chicken - something with some body to it at any rate - and three or four crackers with hummus or guacamole or cottage cheese and a slice or two of good-quality ham. If I still need more, a piece of fruit or a pot of greek yoghurt generally does the trick. If you don't have heating facilities at work, you could heat it in the mornings and take it in a thermos.

    Left-overs are also easy, if you make an extra serving of whatever you made for the main meal of the day and take it in a box.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I'm a left overs gal myself. But I make sure anything I cook for dinner will translate well to leftovers.
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I'm working on some different salads, starting with a Thai style noodle salad with prawns and a chilli lime dressing. Am inventing it tonight!

    But really coming into winter home made soups are a great lunch option. I use loads of vegies and pad it out with pearl barley or beans.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Here are a few things I have had for lunch:
    Sandwich (on thin bread) with turkey breast and lettuce.
    Spinach salad with strawberries and almonds with balsamic vinegar.
    Thick soup, I made Butternut Squash Soup last night to bring to work for the rest of the week, it's delicious.
    Chicken Stiry Fry with rice.

    I often bring leftover dinner for lunch as well :)
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    Protein! That makes it much easier to get through the day. Fish, shrimp, chicken. steaks, pork. I make lunches in advance for the week and then take to school in the morning. I'm a fan of steamed veggies with sauce and some protein. Season the hell out of it.
  • rocksred
    Thanks everyone! Sound like some yummy ideas. I need to look up some healthy soups. I can't wait till it is cooler here in Texas so they sound better.