New and focused at last.

So after around 2005 I started piling on the pounds, racing from 14st to around 21.5st currently. The last 4 years I've moved very little in weight, jumping from 20-22 constantly.
I've tried exercise with no diet and vice versa, I've tried pills but didn't put in any work so they didn't work.

I woke up Monday morning, mind you I've been feeling very low about weight lately and getting very annoyed when jeans don't fit and stuff, and decided that XXL is just too much, I have to lose it. I searched online for different options and noticed a few people pointing towards this so I thought I can give that a try, so here I am.

My big letdown is A. Crisps & B. Eating a dinner sized lunch on my lunch break.

Plans - Stop eating crisps, actually harder than I think, Monday and Tuesday consisted of 2 bags of crisps each day and even today I ate some meanies a friend gave me in work, this has to stop, I know that and will keep working on it.
Cut down lunch time meals, I started yesterday by having some soup and a roll from a local deli, it did the job and was fine so here is hoping.
Weekend takeaways, sometimes I can have 3 over the weekend, this stops. If I do well in a week Ill allow myself a treat but I want to ensure one meal dosent ruin a weeks work.
Walk to work - Ive always done this but so/so, Id quickly get a taxi or walk a route I knew I got a lift - this week Ive done the 1.8miles in good time, unfortunately I've been in on lots of overtime so haven't got the dog away in the evening but this is another thing I want to do regular, with 1.8miles in the morning and a further 2-4 at night with the dog I should be moving towards 400-600 cals burned per day.

I want big changes but in a sensible time frame, I know things wont change over night and I know at this point the best thing to do is gradual changes, this should get my mind used to changes as-well.

Ive added some friends so if any others would like to add me please do!!


  • wolfehound22
    Feel free to add me, it seems you have the right attitude, and the diet really is key. Don't feel you have to give up everything, perhaps in the beginning some of those would be better to avoid, but allow yourself to indulged every now and then, that will help you stay focused the rest of the time.