On a Mission!!!

TaysMum Posts: 29
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Well, as the title says.. I am on a mission to loose weight! :)

As a new mother, I wasn't aware of the consequence that came with not being able to control my cravings during my pregnancy. Gee, i ate almost everything and anything. Foods I would never dream of eating somehow came in to my radar! Crisps, 'Cheese' flavoured crisps was a favourite, Kebabs, Shawarmas, Yuck ! at the thought!!

Although I put on only a few pounds during pregnancy. Most of the weight was gained after I had given birth. I had a C-Section which meant I could not be very mobile. Sitting, Eating, Lying around all day for a good 2-3months, this, is when I transformed dramatically.

Now that my daughters 6months and I've recovered fully. I've promised myself I will loose all, if not; most of the weight this year before the summer 'God willingly'.

I can't stand the fact that My clothes don't fit me any more. From a size 8 to a 12!! All in a year? Shocking! *sighs*

Reading all the success stories here have been a real inspiration. Well done all!



  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi, and welcome to THE best site on the web! :flowerforyou: Congratulations on your baby! :flowerforyou:
    I remember a "zillion" years ago when I was pregnant. I was already 203 when I found out I was, at only 5 weeks along! :love: The Dr. said I should take lots of walks for exercise. Sooo, I'd fill my pockets with M & M's with peanuts, and THEN take my walk! :laugh: Take a step, take an M & M! :embarassed:
    Anyway though, between the easy to use food counter (which by the way is SUCH an eye opener!) and all the wonderfully supportive members, you WILL be able to lose the weight that you want to, AND, it'll "almost" be easy doing it! :wink:
    I recommend logging ALL your foods BEFORE you have them, rather than later, as it tends to lead to better food choices. (not to mention you'll know if you've got enough numbers left to have a night time snack, like I ALWAYS try to do!) Some people also like to weigh and measure some things, such as meats, rather than just estimating and possibly being WAY off! :noway:
    Don't go making the mistake that if you have LOTS of numbers left at the end of the day that you'll lose even faster, because that DOESN'T happen. Feel free to read any info about the site in the "help" section at the top of the home page. And also under "Community", then "Weight Loss and Healthy Living", then "general diet and weight loss help", and then check out the first few threads. They'll REALLY help you understand how MFP works. :smile:
    Before coming here, I had tried just about EVERYTHING out there, including hypnosis, TWICE, and nothing really worked until MFP! :love:
    Also, drink LOTS of water, it REALLY DOES help! :drinker:
    As far as exercise goes, it doesn't always have to be awful. For my exercise, I walk almost every day, (weather permitting!) I also dance to a fast oldies CD that my husband made up of all my favorite old songs. (Like "Love Shack", Wild, Wild West", "Mony, Mony", "Footloose", and "Gloria")
    It's free, (unlike a gym!) fun, and I can even watch tv at the same time, so I never get bored! :happy:
    I also have Wii Fit, and jog to that, which is a lot of fun, and easy too! :smile:
    So, to make a LONG story short, make good food choices, eat in moderation, get some exercise, and you WILL lose the weight that you want to! :smile:
  • TaysMum
    TaysMum Posts: 29
    Hiya Bren, Thanx for the welcoming and advice! :smile:

    All this is new to me, dieiting and weightloss. Sometimes it almost feels impossible! As in "How on earth am I gonna do this?!?!" :sad: But then I see the progress of others and I'm confident again...

    Congrats on your weight loss 42lbs? Wow! How did you do it? :noway:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hiya Bren, Thanx for the welcoming and advice! :smile:

    All this is new to me, dieiting and weightloss. Sometimes it almost feels impossible! As in "How on earth am I gonna do this?!?!" :sad: But then I see the progress of others and I'm confident again...

    Congrats on your weight loss 42lbs? Wow! How did you do it? :noway:

    It's definitely NOT impossible, cuz if I CAN do it, ANYONE can! :bigsmile: So you can TOO! :wink:
    Thanks for your congrats! :flowerforyou: To tell you the truth, it really wasn't even that hard! I guess all I really needed was to see exactly what I was putting in my mouth, and then work with my numbers through better food choices, and getting some exercise. It really WAS that simple! Also, the members here are just wonderful, so reading and also writing on the boards really kept me into the whole weight loss thing! I think the greatest thing of all is that MFP is NOT a diet! I CAN eat the stuff that I want, I just have to work for it! Before, I'd be wicked good for a few weeks, and then just cave and pig out and then just give up. :laugh:
    But, since I wasn't really deprived here, I stuck with it! I lost 45 pounds in 8 months. Not TOO shabby, especially for me! :laugh:
  • TaysMum
    TaysMum Posts: 29
    45lbs in 8 months! That's outsanding!!

    Okayyy, I think I've found my mentor!! *hands off everyone!* :laugh: :laugh:

    Apart from your excericse which was dancing and walking (right?) did you follow any workout videos? And, what was your eating plan like?

    Sorry about the question overload :bigsmile:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    45lbs in 8 months! That's outsanding!!

    Okayyy, I think I've found my mentor!! *hands off everyone!* :laugh: :laugh:

    Apart from your excericse which was dancing and walking (right?) did you follow any workout videos? And, what was your eating plan like?

    Sorry about the question overload :bigsmile:

    :laugh: :laugh: I LOVED the "hands off everyone" line! :laugh: Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Usually I'm on here all the time, but had a bit of a crisis yesturday afternoon and had to deal with that, so I never got back on till now. (My next door neighbor, and older widow, slipped in her driveway and my husband and I had to take her to the hospital. We were there a LONG time, but, finally got to bring her home. She's got 7 stitches in her head, lots of bruising on her face, and a badly broken wrist.) She's tough though, so she'll be ok, I'll just keep checking up on her!
    I never did any work out videos. Just my dancing to my oldies, jogging with the Wii, and walking in the good weather, which I don't think is EVER going to come again! :grumble: :noway: :laugh:
    As far as an eating plan goes, I pretty much ate mostly the same things, day in, day out. To most, that might sound boring and awful, but, to me, it meant being in control, and eating stuff that I liked that was FILLING too! So for breakfast most mornings, I eat the 1 minute cooking Quaker Oats oatmeal, and I put frozen blueberries in it. It REALLY fills me up, for hours and hours! :happy: I TRIED to eat salads for lunches, but I'm not a real salad lover, and salads to me mean "dieting", which is a swear to me! :laugh: (Whenever I hear the word diet, I cringe, always have, always will! The reason MFP has worked for me is that they told me that it was a "lifestyle change", and it really is! When I first heard that, I thought "YA, SURE it is!". But then I kept plugging away, and I discovered that it IS!) Dieting to me means being deprived of all the "good stuff" out there. But with MFP, I learned that I CAN
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    1st off welcome aboard to a great site with lots of great people who support and motivate each other ....2nd off congrats on your new baby .........and 3rd good luck on your weight loss journey with this site its very very very possible to reach your goals ... again good luck
  • AGG115
    AGG115 Posts: 62
    Hey! I'm in the same boat as you, minus the C-Section! My little one's 7 months and I lost all my pregancy weight while breastfeeding, but then forgot to cut calories back after I stopped! Friend me if you'd like and let's push each other back to beautiful bodies! You can do it!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Don't know what happened, there I was, typing away, and all of a sudden it posted! :noway: :laugh:
    Anyway, as I was saying, I hated being deprived, and that's why diets didn't work. But I did have stuff with MFP, I just learned to "work for what I wanted" through exercise to up my numbers, and better food choices MOST of the time!
    So now, on to lunches. Mostly for lunch during the work week, I have 2 pieces of light oatmeal bread, which is 35 cals. each, with a light layer of mayo, and sliced chicken. (I buy the day old whole chickens they sell at the deli.) I also have Lays Light chips, which are between 70 and 80 calories for like 20 chips. It's filling, and I don't feel like I'm "dieting"!
    I eat an orange or an apple, and also a Quaker Oats variety pack 90 calorie bar for snacks.
    For supper I usually have some sort of meat and potatoes or rice. Just normal suppers for the most part, but I try to watch my portion size. I also use I can't believe it's not butter spray, which to me tastes just great! And then I try to have enough numbers left to have a snack later on. I am SUCH an icecream lover, and I was sooooooo thrilled when I discovered Edy's slow churned, no sugar added cookie dough icecream. I can't tell it from the "real thing"! :love: :happy:
    On the weekends I sometimes have Smart Balance peanut butter with a little jam on a piece of my 35 calorie bread. I also like to have air popped popping corn with the I can't believe it's not butter spray.
    So there you have it, that's pretty much my usual meals, except when I occasionally splurge and have some "good stuff"! (and once in awhile I'm REALLY, REALLY bad! Especially between Thanksgiving and Christmas! I gained 5 pounds, but, last week I lost 2 of it, and I'm hoping I'll have lost more when I weigh in on "Fat Tuessay" as I call it! :laugh: )
    The main thing for you to do is to find out what fills you up, but is ok for you number wise, get some exercise, and drink lots of water, and you'll be a "loser" too. :wink: :laugh: :smile:
  • TaysMum
    TaysMum Posts: 29
    45lbs in 8 months! That's outsanding!!

    Okayyy, I think I've found my mentor!! *hands off everyone!* :laugh: :laugh:

    Apart from your excericse which was dancing and walking (right?) did you follow any workout videos? And, what was your eating plan like?

    Sorry about the question overload :bigsmile:

    :laugh: :laugh: I LOVED the "hands off everyone" line! :laugh: Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Usually I'm on here all the time, but had a bit of a crisis yesturday afternoon and had to deal with that, so I never got back on till now. (My next door neighbor, and older widow, slipped in her driveway and my husband and I had to take her to the hospital. We were there a LONG time, but, finally got to bring her home. She's got 7 stitches in her head, lots of bruising on her face, and a badly broken wrist.) She's tough though, so she'll be ok, I'll just keep checking up on her!
    I never did any work out videos. Just my dancing to my oldies, jogging with the Wii, and walking in the good weather, which I don't think is EVER going to come again! :grumble: :noway: :laugh:
    As far as an eating plan goes, I pretty much ate mostly the same things, day in, day out. To most, that might sound boring and awful, but, to me, it meant being in control, and eating stuff that I liked that was FILLING too! So for breakfast most mornings, I eat the 1 minute cooking Quaker Oats oatmeal, and I put frozen blueberries in it. It REALLY fills me up, for hours and hours! :happy: I TRIED to eat salads for lunches, but I'm not a real salad lover, and salads to me mean "dieting", which is a swear to me! :laugh: (Whenever I hear the word diet, I cringe, always have, always will! The reason MFP has worked for me is that they told me that it was a "lifestyle change", and it really is! When I first heard that, I thought "YA, SURE it is!". But then I kept plugging away, and I discovered that it IS!) Dieting to me means being deprived of all the "good stuff" out there. But with MFP, I learned that I CAN
    Don't know what happened, there I was, typing away, and all of a sudden it posted!
    Anyway, as I was saying, I hated being deprived, and that's why diets didn't work. But I did have stuff with MFP, I just learned to "work for what I wanted" through exercise to up my numbers, and better food choices MOST of the time!
    So now, on to lunches. Mostly for lunch during the work week, I have 2 pieces of light oatmeal bread, which is 35 cals. each, with a light layer of mayo, and sliced chicken. (I buy the day old whole chickens they sell at the deli.) I also have Lays Light chips, which are between 70 and 80 calories for like 20 chips. It's filling, and I don't feel like I'm "dieting"!
    I eat an orange or an apple, and also a Quaker Oats variety pack 90 calorie bar for snacks.
    For supper I usually have some sort of meat and potatoes or rice. Just normal suppers for the most part, but I try to watch my portion size. I also use I can't believe it's not butter spray, which to me tastes just great! And then I try to have enough numbers left to have a snack later on. I am SUCH an icecream lover, and I was sooooooo thrilled when I discovered Edy's slow churned, no sugar added cookie dough icecream. I can't tell it from the "real thing"!
    On the weekends I sometimes have Smart Balance peanut butter with a little jam on a piece of my 35 calorie bread. I also like to have air popped popping corn with the I can't believe it's not butter spray.
    So there you have it, that's pretty much my usual meals, except when I occasionally splurge and have some "good stuff"! (and once in awhile I'm REALLY, REALLY bad! Especially between Thanksgiving and Christmas! I gained 5 pounds, but, last week I lost 2 of it, and I'm hoping I'll have lost more when I weigh in on "Fat Tuessay" as I call it! )
    The main thing for you to do is to find out what fills you up, but is ok for you number wise, get some exercise, and drink lots of water, and you'll be a "loser" too.

    Hiya Bren,

    Sorry about the impeded reply as well. Poor old lady, hope she's doing much better!

    I'm back in my 'University 5 days week' routine, I hardly have time to check mail and all.
    Well I have good news!!! I weighed myself on Sunday and I've lost 11lbs/5kgs!! All just by monitoring what I eat!! I'm so pleased with the results! :happy: :happy:

    I've started drinking a litre of water a day, which is easier to do than I thought. I just keep on sipping through my not-so-entertaining lectures! :laugh: :laugh:

    One thing i need to fix up on is reaching my calorie mark, I find myself under my 1200 marker by 100-200 or even 300 sometimes. Will this make much of a difference?

    :flowerforyou: Thanx for all your lovely advice Bren! :flowerforyou:
  • TaysMum
    TaysMum Posts: 29
    Hey! I'm in the same boat as you, minus the C-Section! My little one's 7 months and I lost all my pregancy weight while breastfeeding, but then forgot to cut calories back after I stopped! Friend me if you'd like and let's push each other back to beautiful bodies! You can do it!


    Wow! How did you loose your pregnancy weight?

    Will friend ya xxx
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Unless you're wicked short, you really SHOULD try to eat at least the 1200 cals. a day, or whatever MFP set for you to have. If you don't, your body COULD go into starvation mode.
    I'm thrilled that you're doing so well! :happy: Congratulations on the 11 pounds! :flowerforyou: WOW, you're doing SOOOO GREAT! :bigsmile:
    Things WILL slow up eventually, but, if you just keep plugging away with watching your numbers, you WILL lose the weight that you want to! :wink: :smile:
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