i dont understand tdee and bmr plz help me

ok, i would really appreciate it if someone could explain it for me in very, basic terms as im having great difficulty figure what my calories should be at.
Right now im working out 5-6 days a week for about 45 mins or so. I am a sahm so id say im fairly active and my bmr is 1589 and my tdee is 2463.
Thanks so much and ill be back on later :)


  • oh forgot to add the mfp has me at 1250 calories daily but i dont know if thats enough.
  • Wyutzy
    Wyutzy Posts: 20 Member
    I am trying to figure this out too, so I'll be watching for the answers..
  • trkilpatrick
    trkilpatrick Posts: 37 Member
    I am still a newbie at this as well so hopefully i am not giving you bad or confusing info. One of the big long instructions about TDEE suggested eating at TDEE minus 20% if you are trying to lose weight--so yours is 2463 so your calories in would need to be about 1970. The calculator that i used took my weekly exercise into consideration so what i do is eat the same everyday whether i work out or not. Also, the same instruction said to list your calories burned from exercise as 1 because the exercise is already accounted for.
    I find this method quite a bit easier to keep track of everything and make sure i am getting in my exercise and at least close to my macros each day.
    I have actually started losing more weight after having had a pretty good plateau after having netted about 1250 for a month.
    Hope this makes sense! Good Luck to you!
  • thank you for your reply!