is anyone else just trying to lose a little bit of weight?



  • thelittlestshay
    SAME! Lost a few pounds just by changing my diet and have 15 more to loose and it just won't come off! Luckily I haven't lost my motivation yet, just becoming discouraged. New to this too so feel free to add.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    Hello, I am like you, just trying to loose 10 pounds and finding it really difficult for some reason. I am gaining weight, slowly, instead of loosing it! This has never happened to me before so I am perplexed and confused. I'm still plugging away because I know the exercise and dietary changes are good for me anyway. We just have to stay motivated!

    Ditto. Same old 10lb but nothing is shifting and scales keep going up a few pounds then down 1 or 2, its a cruel world and hard to stay motivated as i often find myself wondering why put myself through this week after week :sad:

    I am in the exact same position. Two years ago I got down to my lowest of 113 from pure starvation. I ate net calories of probably 500 a day. I hated myself every day for it and vowed to never do that again. Over the past two years I gained back 7 of those pounds, which may not seem like a lot but I am only 5'0 so every single pound is seen on my frame. I am really trying to get down to 110 the healthy way. I am doing the Insanity program and I have adapted to a low-carb lifestyle because of digestion issues and to see if it will help me out at all. But I have the same problem as you guys where I'm up one or two pounds one week, then down, then down again, then up. And it is hard to stay motivated when you aren't seeing consistent results on the scale.
  • Elainejk21
    Elainejk21 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm not new to MFP, but I realized I finally needed to drop the 10 pounds I gained after being in a new relationship (eating out and socially drinking way more). I've always been relatively fit and could eat whatever I wanted, but all the dining out and wine flights finally caught up with me!
    For me it's focusing on calories alone to drop the weight.. I've maintained my gym habits (4-5x/wk) of yoga, zumba, strength, cardio/circuits for the past 5 years. I'm 5'7" and 1200 is too low for me, I've been happy and able to drop weight if I eat/drink about 1500-1600/day on the days I work out. The other days I try to stick to 1250-1300. In the 8 weeks I've been actively tracking, I've lost 6 pounds. And that's with several nights of going out for events, traveling out of town for the weekend, etc. Hoping slow and steady keeps working!
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    I only had 21 to lose.. Eating more than 1200 worked better for me. I stalled eating 1200 and upped to 1300, then 1350, then 1400.. Now I'm at 1500. Decided I would be more comfortable at 3-5 lbs less. I exercise at least 4-5 days a week and eat back all of my exercise calories (most of the time).
  • Yes! It's pissing me off! *ready yourselves for my much needed rant!*
    I ONLY have 2-3" on my waist and hips that I want to lose but the fat doesn't seem to shift! Argh! Annoying. I've been trying to lose it for 12 months now. I've been coming in and out of plateaus but it just doesnt go. =( In the amount of time I've tried losing one dress size, people have reported losing 10! It makes me so sad. =( I would sell my freaking soul to lose this last dress size. I tried everything. I put myself through hell and had to fight to come back JUST so I could lose it. I would lose weight then gain weight then lose weight then gain weight. Nothing seems to happen! I've been at the same weight for 12 months! Argh! I need miracle. :cry:
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm not new to MFP, but I realized I finally needed to drop the 10 pounds I gained after being in a new relationship (eating out and socially drinking way more). I've always been relatively fit and could eat whatever I wanted, but all the dining out and wine flights finally caught up with me!
    For me it's focusing on calories alone to drop the weight.. I've maintained my gym habits (4-5x/wk) of yoga, zumba, strength, cardio/circuits for the past 5 years. I'm 5'7" and 1200 is too low for me, I've been happy and able to drop weight if I eat/drink about 1500-1600/day on the days I work out. The other days I try to stick to 1250-1300. In the 8 weeks I've been actively tracking, I've lost 6 pounds. And that's with several nights of going out for events, traveling out of town for the weekend, etc. Hoping slow and steady keeps working!

    You sound JUST like me-- I gained mostly due to new relationship/social drinking, as well (and I'm also 5'7") I'll try adapting your pattern (upping on days I work out-- of course, I have to work out more :))
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    You guys are awesome! This is all definitely encouraging :) Someone said my diary wasn't open for viewing-- I thought it was, actually-- so does anybody know how to make it viewable? Thanks!
  • minus15pounds
    I'm adding all of you to my friends list! :smile: Glad to know I'm not the only one out there! My diary is public, so those of you with more experience at losing the last couple of pounds and keeping them off, please please let me know what I should be doing to make things better! Would REALLY appreciate all your guidance and help!
  • HallerFitness
    Feel free to friend me Miss Kitty. I'm in the same boat!!
  • kdub67
    kdub67 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi there! I'm fairly new, too, and looking to lose 14 lbs. I lost a whopping 3.5 the first week, all of which was water, most likely! Week two I dropped 1.6 (again, mostly water?). After a weekend away last weekend I'm not looking forward to jumping on the scale Friday morning, but it is what it is! Feel free to friend me, if you'd like:)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Wanna hear something that's a bit OMGWTF? I'm eating >2000 calories a day this week. Having a diet holiday, if you will.

    Back to ~1700 next week.
  • tacklethis
    Hi! I started out wanting to lose 12 lbs. I have 5 to go. Good luck on your goal:)
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    Hello, I am like you, just trying to loose 10 pounds and finding it really difficult for some reason. I am gaining weight, slowly, instead of loosing it! This has never happened to me before so I am perplexed and confused. I'm still plugging away because I know the exercise and dietary changes are good for me anyway. We just have to stay motivated!

    Ditto. Same old 10lb but nothing is shifting and scales keep going up a few pounds then down 1 or 2, its a cruel world and hard to stay motivated as i often find myself wondering why put myself through this week after week :sad:

    I am in the same boat. Started with 16 lbs to lose and have been at it about 5 weeks now. Some days my scale shows I am down five pounds, some days only three. It's been seesawing back and forth. MFP has set my calorie goal at 1,200 and I am complying with that. I have joined a gym and added weight training to my exercise routine. (I always walk an hour or more a day.) So it could be discouraging BUT the reason I started this program and also signed up at the gym was because my knees were bothering me so much. (hence the user name.) They are feeling just fine now! So it has been a good exercise for me and all this recording keeps me mindful and motivated. I am sticking with it. I was never going to get that 24" waist again anyway.:laugh:
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member

    i started at 230, and now am down to 176. lowest i EVER weighed was 162 -- and my goal weight is 160. for the LIFE of me ive lost the drive... i need some motivation. ill lose about 5 pounds or so, and then eat and eat... i just cant stick with it!

  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Hi! I joined MFP to mainly learn about my eating and not specificly lose any pounds. I've learned so much in just the little more than a month I've been here and now would hope for maybe a 5 pound lose. If that doesn't happen it's OK though, as long as I'm losing inches and therefore BF%. I consider that just as much of a win!

    ETA: I try and net in the 1500 range most days. Sometimes I get past dinner with being lower but I consider that a fine balance with the days that I know I will be over.
  • Lilmomma421
    I was able to knock off 43lbs of baby weight by the time my daughter was 9 months old! (I had pre-term labor and bed rest w/ progesterone shots once a week that caused me to pack on the pounds.) Now I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight. But, before I got pregnant I wanted to lose 10lbs. Now, I can't find the energy/motivation to lose that last 10 lbs. How did the first 43 come off so easily and these last ten don't want to leave? Anyone else been where I'm at?
  • cmbx2mom
    cmbx2mom Posts: 56 Member
    I'm right there with you. Never had a weight problem till I had my kids. I have been fighting these last 10 pounds up and down for about 5 years now. I've gotten close to my goal a couple times, but then of course I get busy/lose focus and they creep right back on. This summer it took me 10 weeks to lose 5 pounds. Then we had a big BBQ/party and within 3 days I was back up 3 pounds. I got discouraged and was up the other 2 within another week. It's so frustrating! So here I am starting again. These last 10 pounds are just brutal!!!!
  • loveachallenge
    loveachallenge Posts: 62 Member
    Hello, I am like you, just trying to loose 10 pounds and finding it really difficult for some reason. I am gaining weight, slowly, instead of loosing it! This has never happened to me before so I am perplexed and confused. I'm still plugging away because I know the exercise and dietary changes are good for me anyway. We just have to stay motivated!

    Ditto. Same old 10lb but nothing is shifting and scales keep going up a few pounds then down 1 or 2, its a cruel world and hard to stay motivated as i often find myself wondering why put myself through this week after week :sad:

    I am in the exact same position. Two years ago I got down to my lowest of 113 from pure starvation. I ate net calories of probably 500 a day. I hated myself every day for it and vowed to never do that again. Over the past two years I gained back 7 of those pounds, which may not seem like a lot but I am only 5'0 so every single pound is seen on my frame. I am really trying to get down to 110 the healthy way. I am doing the Insanity program and I have adapted to a low-carb lifestyle because of digestion issues and to see if it will help me out at all. But I have the same problem as you guys where I'm up one or two pounds one week, then down, then down again, then up. And it is hard to stay motivated when you aren't seeing consistent results on the scale.

    Same here 4"11 was 140 at one point (gorda!) now I am at 116 after doing Insanity, P90X and running. My goal is 110-115 for my height. trying to loose body fat now. The scale hasn't moved in 2 weeks. UGH!
  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    My goal is to lose 15 lbs and it seems like it is taking forever. I've been on MFP for 30days and lost 3 which I guess is not bad but it is so slow going. I am 5'2" and sit at a desk all day, so my calories are set at 1200. I try to eat back some of my exercise calories but not as a rule. My clothes are fitting better though so that is a plus! Feel free to friend me too.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Yes! It's pissing me off! *ready yourselves for my much needed rant!*
    I ONLY have 2-3" on my waist and hips that I want to lose but the fat doesn't seem to shift! Argh! Annoying. I've been trying to lose it for 12 months now. I've been coming in and out of plateaus but it just doesnt go. =( In the amount of time I've tried losing one dress size, people have reported losing 10! It makes me so sad. =( I would sell my freaking soul to lose this last dress size. I tried everything. I put myself through hell and had to fight to come back JUST so I could lose it. I would lose weight then gain weight then lose weight then gain weight. Nothing seems to happen! I've been at the same weight for 12 months! Argh! I need miracle. :cry:

    Have you tried eat more and heavy weight training? I can already tell you by looking at your diary, what the issue is. PM if you want help though.

    I am in the last 10 lb club.. in fact, I only have 7 lbs of fat to lose to cut to 6% body fat. I would suggest reading the below thread to determine a good weight and ensure you are guessing correctly. Next, you will definitely need more than 1200 calories, especially if you are exercise. Most active women I develop calorie plans for are around 1700-2000+. Also, you want to have a high protein diet, generally 1g per pound of lean body mass or about 80% of your weight in grams protein. Next, if you want to "tone" up, then you need heavy weight training. This will help retain lean body mass which is what gives you definition. If you under eat, you increase the chances of preserving fat (through hormones) and catabolization of lean body mass. The second and third link is what happens when you have more muscle and "tone" up. Keep in mind, both of these girls gained muscle through a calorie surplus and did heavy weight training. Ideally, if you just want to cut, then eating 20% below TDEE (total amount of calories you burn throughout the day through metabolic functions, daily activities and exercise) would be ideal.