hello to my new healthy life :)

seen as I have been on my fitness pal for almost a week now I thought I best come and introduce myself :)

I'm a 24 year old mummy to a beautiful 18 month old boy, and instead of losing my baby weight I seem to have added to it!!

Am wanting to lose the weight to start feeling good about myself again and fit in some smaller clothes from pre-baby times, but am also wanting to set a good example for my son with healthy eating and exericise.

Would love to make some new friends while on my journey to a healthier lifestyle.


  • jcandelas
    I have the same issue, I am 29 and I initially lost a lot of my baby weight but not all of it and now I am gaining weight. My son just turned 1 year old and I really want to get back into my pre-baby clothes. It's very hard - being so busy working and baby now.