I had a bad calories day, and I feel awful



  • browncurlz3
    I've been sabotaging and beating myself up for over 6 years now. But not anymore (on a daily basis). I have found what works for me: saying OUT LOUD to who ever will hear me (fiance, a couple coworkers, and friends, mostly) that I have a binge eating problem and that I need to stop hurting my body. And they help me stay on track! Do you have a support network? I've looked at my fiance and said to him, "Keep holding my hand or I'm going to dash for the kitchen" and he does just that, which gets me through my cravings.

    You CAN do it!
  • mkzara
    mkzara Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for all the words of encouragement you guys. I appreciate it.

    I think I just have to learn that this is a lifestyle change and one day will not make or break it.

    I think the hardest part is owning it. I think logging it and seeing those calories pile up. It's gross to think you put so much food in your body.

    I just have to learn to own it and move on from it and eat healthier today.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Log it, own it, and move on. One night will not set you back as long as you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and continue with eating healthy as usual today. Don't beat yourself up, nobody eats perfect 100% of the time.