If there were any question about adverse alcohol affects....



  • Squashypig
    Squashypig Posts: 60 Member
    I opted to cut alcohol out when I started my journey........way too many calories! I was drinking Frosty Jack's Cider by the 2 or 3 litre bottle every night!! Now that's a s**t load of calories......took up nearly all my daily allowance. Nowadays it doesn't bother me too much if I don't have a drink but I do still have a few cans of lager if i feel like it. The good thing is I only need to have a couple before I feel the effect of the alcohol, so it can end up being a cheap and cheerful night! :drinker: :laugh:
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    But there's a bacon shortage coming. What else are we supposed to drown our sorrows with?
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    But there's a bacon shortage coming. What else are we supposed to drown our sorrows with?

    Chocolate, of course!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Chocolate, of course!

    I'M DIABETIC :sad:
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    I drink only if I go for a meal and then just a glass of white wine! Suits me never been sick or sore!
  • hitstuff
    hitstuff Posts: 40 Member
    I will begrudge noone their drinks. Everyone's experience is different for sure. I just know that I do far better if I leave it out altogether. Might sound terrible, but I only feel game to take on those calories if I can enjoy the 'buzz' that might go along with them. As such, I would opt for something else to drink altogether as opposed to the one or two drink mentality. I'm clearly the textbook example of how things might derail as a result of alcohol consumption. So atleast for the time being, my positive lifestyle change is going include abstinence from alcohol.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    i quit smoking, i will NEVER EVER QUIT DRINKING! LOVE MY DRINKS!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    *to each his own*

    I have a few cocktails within caloric limits during the week

    I binge drink on saturdays hard after a rugby game -- I'm kicking *kitten* and taking names in my workout. I did a stint of no drinking it was nice but I like to drink socially and I love it. For you no drinking works so go for it!

    ^ this
    moderation...I enjoy a drink or 2 with dinner, nothing wrong with that, maybe a few extra onthe weekend, then I may go a week with none...whatever works for you....unless your binge drinking everyday..then of course you might have an issue lol
  • Lisamar74
    I'm hearing your pain. I'm an all or nothing girl and last year I stayed tea total for a full year. Oh how I regret falling off that wagon. For that year, I felt amazing. I exercised loads and lost loads of weight. I wasn't really having to watch what I ate as the healthy no alcohol lifestyle allowed me to eat more and keep the weight off. When I have a good drink, I get tired for days and can't focus on diet or exercise for days afterwards. I'm always annoyed with myself that I'm like this - why can't I be like others who get straight back to it the next day? But I guess it affects all of us in different ways and at the end of the day, it is a toxin to your body.
  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    I enjoyed reading all the responses. I too indulge on the weekends and include the calories in my food log. I do find that I seem to be hungrier the days after I indulge in a couple of cocktails. Strange.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I see posts by people, with some regularity, concerning affects of alcohol on diet/fitness progress. I'm here to tell you....PUT THE COORS DOWN!! IT JUST AIN'T WORTH IT!!
    I silently joined numerous mfp members in their bid to remain, for a time, alcohol free. I think I successfully abstained for a period of roughly 2 months. Well, it was my girlfriend's birthday celebration on the weekend, and I chose this occaision to rejoin my drinking friends and help my bestie ring in another year. I sooooo wish I could take a Mulligan on this one....lol. Here I sit, on a Wednesday, three days past the celebration day- and I'm still licking my wounds. No catastrophic failure in the food/calorie department, but certainly alot less resolve to make schooled decisions. So essentially I ate more, and additionally, ate things Ive been successfully able to turn my back on since starting mfp. But what is even worse, my head STILL feels a little muddled, my sleep for the last couple of nights has been totally messed up, and my motivation and energy to workout are still, shall we say, not at a premium. I was doing SO well- felt fabulous, and could see no signs of slowing down.......*sigh*
    In short, I suppose this is a cautionary tale. I absolutely overdid it. I own that. A little moderation would have gone a long way. Unfortunatley I'm kind of an 'all or nothing' kind of gal. And boy, did that philosophy bite me in *kitten*. On several fronts, my plan has been stalled all for the sake of alcohol. So not worth it. Doesn't help that I'm not young anymore- and recovery time is obviously alot longer than what it once was.
    But hey, today is a new day (foggy, and fuzzy as it is.....STILL). Here is where I reclaim my resolve, and once again ditch the booze. This experience has reaffirmed for me how unnecessary and self defeating those weekend cocktails can be. I shortchanged myself, and my efforts up until now. This is my battlecry!!! Onward and forward! And nothing but green tea, black coffee, and water on the horizon...LOL!!

    I rarely drink any more for the above reasons, too. Interferes with my sleep pattern, feel crappy the next day, and usually judgement is the first thing to go! I've heard it from several sources that "maybe half a glass of wine a day is helpful to your heart, but if you don't drink, don't start."
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm with Missy_1975. You add your alcohol in just as you do other calories. I learned through the years the best way to fail is to deprive yourself of a food (drink). I will never deprive myself of a drink-I enjoy it. Besides wine for example is good for the heart!::drinker:
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    I try and avoid it. I was drinking a couple of wine coolers about every other night.......It went straight to my stomach! At 46, I totally have to watch what I eat/drink cuz that's where it goes now! Of course, the calories aren't on it, so had to look up how many calories. For 2 wine coolers it's @ 300 calories and around 70 grams of SUGAR!!
  • luvmypwds
    To each his/her own. My favourite thing after I come home from work is to uncork a bottle of nice red (or white when it's warm out) and enjoy it. It takes the edge off and it is my way of relaxing after work. Sometimes I'll have vodka and soda with lemon, my other favourite drink. But, I don't do the yucky sweet mixed cocktails - yuck!
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    Alcohol doesn't really impair my judgment re: food choices, it's strange. Maybe it's because I cook in batches and therefore always have convenient healthy food within reach - ordering Chinese or something would be a bigger pain in the *kitten* than just heating up what I already have.

    Now, when I smoked pot it was a completely different story. Whenever I had the munchies, everything I ate tasted like the best thing I had ever eaten and I never felt uncomfortably full. That's a dangerous combination.

    You are my TWIN
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    To each his/her own. My favourite thing after I come home from work is to uncork a bottle of nice red (or white when it's warm out) and enjoy it. It takes the edge off and it is my way of relaxing after work. Sometimes I'll have vodka and soda with lemon, my other favourite drink. But, I don't do the yucky sweet mixed cocktails - yuck!

    Ah now, you're doing it wrong if your cocktail is sticky and sweet and yucky! I make the most delicious of cocktails, many are rum, whiskey or gin based, and not a blue syrup or umbrella in sight :tongue: I agree nothing beats a nice red with dinner, yummmmmm! :drinker: