Hey big guys, or former big guys :D

I currently weigh around 392, and when I started REALLY using MFP last month I also started doing 30DS, (barefoot at first), and then C25K. After 5 days of C25K my right foot, above my heel and behind my ankle, was hurting to the point that I finally figured something was wrong and looked into it. I think I have Achilles tendinitis, so I'm not running or doing 30DS for the moment.

I am however going to join Planet Fitness, to take advantage of their weight machines and cardio equiptment, though I really, really miss jogging. (All I have at home is a 25lb dumbell as far as weights go.)

My question to you is this: What type of workout routine or gym routine did you use when you were heavier?


  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    I'm currently at 235... started at 347 thirty months ago (april 2010).

    What got me started was taekwondo... finally tried and found something that I enjoyed doing physically and kept at it.

    So... for the first 20 months, I was just doing body weight exercises... no strength training, and only short cardio bursts. But lots of barefoot workouts - jumping, standing balance positions, etc... that helped to strengthen my feet and lower body. I also started occasionally taking walks.

    I lost about 25 pounds from April 2010 to Jan 2012... but I know I gained a lot of muscle as well (maybe another 10 pounds overall).

    In January I found MFP and new motivation... I added C25K and took off from there.

    So I started running at 310 pounds or so... and have dropped over 70 pounds since then. I don't think any weight is too heavy to begin C25K, but you are doing the right thing to listen to your body. I think I may have been a bit unusual in how quickly I progressed and how little issue I have had with injury (virtually no injuries until I got some tendonitis after my first half marathon a few weeks ago). I attribute that to the strength gained in my feet from taekwondo.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck with your progress.
