
After months of headaches, I finally figured it out that I have become allergic to Splenda. I have been starting the poison with my first cup of coffee, second cup and then with ice tea in the afternoon. Of course I never figured it was the Splenda since I have been using it since it came out. I just started to accept the fact that my head hurt all the time. Oh, yeah of course I went to the Dr. Anyway, I just wanted to pass on. Live is good without headaches!


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I don't use Splenda because I think it tastes awful (never had any kind of reaction to it myself)
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I feel Splenda is the best of all evils when it comes to sweeteners. I tried the supposed natural "stevia" and it just tastes bitter. How it can be called a sweetener when it doesn't seem to do it's job.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    I snort the stuff
  • electricmeow
    electricmeow Posts: 68 Member
    I honestly believe sugar is the lesser of the two evils. Purchase raw sugar in bulk, its under a dollar a pound where I shop...otherwise it can be expensive. Splenda is bad! Okay okay, you've heard this before...but honestly! Here is information from the Splenda website
    --The sugar comes from CORN (not sugar cane!)
    --It is GMO corn (Splenda company says they *cannot* say that the corn is NOT from GMO, which means that it is...)
    This is a whole separate subject, but GMO corn has caused me to have a serious allergy to corn altogether. It will be the next allergy/intolerance next to gluten in about 10 years. People just don't know they are allergic to it!

    --They take this GMO corn sugar and add chlorine to it

    They say, well you are not eating chlorine exactly, everything has chlorine even the water you drink....Well hello, if you are making kool-aid with chlorinated corn sugar, I would say that is just as good for you as drinking pool water.

    Also have to add that we are now consuming so much splenda, that it is coming out into our waste water and doing some serious damage to sea life. It's starting small, but it is causing a "butterfly effect" to larger animals within the food chain. I know this part sounds crazy, but at least save your own body from this crap.

    Maybe at starbucks, every so often you can substitute splenda for some of your sugar, but really, your body doesn't want to be tricked. Just be honest with it. Sugar isn't the devil, we just over consume it and then say no sugar altogether.

    When I first started MFP two years ago, I was having 4-6 splenda packets a day, between tea, yogurt, shakes. I felt like part of me was floating someplace else, not very present...headaches...

    Also, Stevia tastes different from brand to brand. I like trader joes stevia, both the packets and pure powder.
  • superchunk17
    superchunk17 Posts: 36 Member
    "I snort the stuff "......too funny
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    I have a different reaction to sucralose, but it's really, really bad. And it's in EVERYTHING these days, so it makes it hard to buy... well, anything, and you know, I like eating real food but sometimes I'd just like some convenience too. Or gum. I JUST WANT SOME GUM, DAGNABBIT, STOP POISONING ME WITH IT. (Sorry. Went to 7-11 earlier today. Still want gum.)

    My mother-in-law was one of those people who doesn't believe in things like allergies or food sensitivities, and she was obsessively Atkins and loved the stuff, so she'd keep sneaking it into my food and then getting angry with me when I'd get sick from it. Clearly I was finding out somehow and then faking the reaction; it didn't affect her that way so therefore it couldn't cause any problems for anyone.

    So yeah. Very few people believe me on this, but I know to stay away, and it makes me a lot more sympathetic when people say "product X causes weird reaction Y for me," no matter how nuts it sounds.