The Today Show

j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm watching the today show and Maradath was interviewing three women about a book called Live a little breaking the rules won't break your health. It was very interesting.

here is the link I hope this works


  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I just watched that and thought it was really refreshing! I thought it was good that they said your standard should be walk a mile within 20 minutes and run a mile without stopping as well as just clean more, walk more, etc. And though I'm not a chocolate fan, it was nice to hear that a brownie from time to time is acceptable :)
  • tazspastic
    tazspastic Posts: 62 Member
    bump.... :smile:
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    But as Jillian Michaels says in one of her DVDs, I think it might be the 30 day shred, everybody is told that you can just take the stairs and its untrue and you have to work if you want to lose weight. As for health this book might be right but not for weight loss.

    You have to work for what you want.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I think this book might help for weight loss. People tend to beat themselves up if they have that brownie or piece of cake. I think what they are trying to promote is moderation. If you have a brownie once in a while, it isn't the end of the world. A person may be less inclined to "fall off the wagon" when they allow themselves to have a cookie once in a while rather than "never again." People are too hard on themselves and if we beat ourselves up after having a cookie, it can spiral downward to thoughts such as "I am a failure at weight loss" and they give up. It is all about loving ourselves and understanding that what the latest article on health doesn't necessarily apply to everyone. We can try to strive to meet those standards, but sometimes they are just too out of reach for people which creates negative thoughts and them giving up before ever getting started.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    But as Jillian Michaels says in one of her DVDs, I think it might be the 30 day shred, everybody is told that you can just take the stairs and its untrue and you have to work if you want to lose weight. As for health this book might be right but not for weight loss.

    You have to work for what you want.

    I love Jillian Michaels, but she is the extreme they were talking about. She teaches how to lose weight fast, which is not the right approach for everyone. Did you see the "Where Are They New" episode of BL last season? One of the previous winners had gained the weight back. Bob went to visit him and they talk about it. The guy said something like "I just need to go back to being strict all the time". Bob told him that wasn't a good idea because it obviously didn't work for him. Yes, he lost the weight but he counldn't maintain it. Bob advised he look at a less extreme, more managable way to lose it. I think their ideas about taking the stairs or carrying babies is good for people who need an approach that is slower but easier to maintain. Yes, you can lose weight that way. You just can't expect it to be 1-2 lbs a week. Some people are more than happy about losing 10-20 lbs in year. And if all they had to do is start taking the stairs, why wouldn't they stick with it?

    Please don't knock something just because it isn't the right approach for you. It could really be discouraging for someone who has tied a faster, more extreme approach and can't stick with it. This book could be the thing that opens their eyes to the fact that they don't HAVE to do it that way. Everyone has to find their own path in this journy.
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