Hi - Just Joined . . .

Hey :smile:

I have just joined this site in the hope to finally reach my goal weight and maybe make some friends along the way :smile: . .

A little about myself . . . My name is Sam - 28 yrs and live in Bedfordshire/uk - I am a stay at home mum to Tamara aged 9 and Taylen aged 18 months.

I have struggled with my weight since having my children - I tend to yo- yo diet/comfort eat and lose motivation very easily - thinking it is easier to give in then work at it . . Well I know that's not a good way of thinking and instead of my constant moaning, I have decided this is it once and for all! :smile:

Thank you for taking the time out to read this :smile: - I will leave it there just wanted to pop my head in the door and say Hi :smile: xxxx


  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Welcome to MFP glad that you found the site and that you joined. this is a wonderful site where there is lots of support and people to answer your questions.
  • Shanna5239
    Shanna5239 Posts: 3 Member
    hi im new too. your story is pretty similar to mine! its going to be rough but this seems like a great place to help with motivation and counting calories. best of luck to you!!! :)
  • pinkhockymom
    pinkhockymom Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome! I too have gained weight with children and understand the yo-yo dieting! This is a great site and you should find it helpful. If you need a friend, there are lots of us here! Good Luck!:wink:
  • SugarMummy2010
    Thank You so much for the Warm Welcome :smile: - Lovely to meet you all :smile: xxx