Anyone over 220 lbs doing Insanity workout?

Just wanted to know is there anyone over the 220's doing insanity, how often do you do the work out and at what intensity level? Thanks in advance.


  • southrider
    southrider Posts: 67 Member
    I am 222 and on my last week of insanity. It is pretty intense but I completed p90x before I started. I work out 6 days a week, with my rest day on sunday.
  • amariecruz89
    amariecruz89 Posts: 83 Member
    I am currently at the end of week 5 in Insanity. About two weeks before I started I was 220. I am now 205. The process has slowed down, I think because I've been building muscle. I do see a difference though, I haven't been able to measure but I am fairly certain I've lost a few inches. I also feel soooo much healthier now.

    I do insanity six days a week and some days I do my own exercises in addition. I push myself as hard as I can. I have gotten a lot better since I started but I still struggle with some of the workouts. Whenever I get frustrated that I can't do what I want to I remind myself how much weight I am carrying and I remember to be patient in the process.

    Good luck! You can do it!