♥ Newbie

Hello ladies and gents of My Fitness Pal~!

I'd love to meet new people here :heart: Especially since most of my in real life friends don't like to talk about dieting :ohwell:
Also, here's a little about me :smile:

° Name's Jun
° I live in a small town in Georgia, USA. But I love the city and will be moving soon ~♪
° I have used My Fitness Pal before, but needed a new start!
° In the past, I've struggled with my weight and self-confidence. Battling Anorexia and Bulimia since I was 10 years old. However I am fully recovered now ♥ All I want now is to master the form of 'Healthy Dieting' instead of relying on my comfort zone (Stop the extreme restrictions/purging/over-exercising)

Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a great day!