I dont have time to exercise!



  • I'm sure you can! Losing weight is really about portion control, eating as healthy as possible with working out but seeing how you are having a hard time finding time to get to the gym I'd say just watch what you eat, & try getting to the gym those couple of times....maybe try at home dvds like Jillian Michaels or something. I'm not a Mom so can't say I know exactly what you're going through but hope you find a balance hon. Good luck!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Funny, I didn't know you needed a gym membership to work out.

    ^^ This... actually thought maybe this was a joke thread...

    Truth? It's not about "having" the time - it's about MAKING the time. Everyone is busy... you have to MAKE it work for your schedule. There's always a way... you just have to be creative and WANT to find a way.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Four words - working out at home.

    It's done wonders for me.
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    You don't need a gym. You need willpower. Look up Body rock.tv on YouTube. I have lost 8 pounds in two months. My husband can't keep his hands off me. 15 min or less. Equipment optional. Stop making excuses. We believe in you. Remember, you are what you eat. Eat beautiful fresh food. Nourish your body. Don't diet. And sweat. Sweat like your life depends on it. Because it does. Goodluck you! I wish you the best. Your kids deserve it!

  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    I have 4 kids and work a full time job. I don't have time to go to the gym either but I work out to Jillian Michael's DVD's (they're like 20-40minutes long). I try to get up early and fit in a work out before getting the kids up but usually I work out after work and before I pick them up from daycare. If all else fails, I'll work out after I put them to bed. Good luck!
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    Funny, I didn't know you needed a gym membership to work out.

    Don't think that was the point of the post. It would be pretty difficult to even get 30 minutes at home to yourself when you have 4 kids.

    I have one child of my own, 3, I watch my niece 2-3 days a week, she's 1, I work one full time job, and own a separate business that employs me part time. I know a thing or two about being busy -- getting to the gym in situations like this is WASTED time. Jog in place for 10 minutes three times a day, have a "dance party" with the older kids, do a Jillian DVD when everyone is in bed. It's entirely possible, you just have to be inventive and give up on the idea for a work out to count it needs to be 45 minutes at a gym.

    Don't get offended. I didn't imply you were not busy. I was just saying I didn't think that was her point about going to a gym. She was looking for suggestions on what to do OTHER than going to the gym. This post to me was more helpful than the first post you had, just saying.

    I suggested a dance party too :). My friend has 3 kids, from 3 months to age 7, the 2 youngest are 8mos a part (yes, possible,the youngest was early), there is no way she could even run in place for 10 minutes. Although it is getting better, at one point the kids were on different nap schedules. She has to do things with the kids to get "exercise" in.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    You can lose weight without exercise, but you will do it faster , look better and feel better if you exercise. Put on music and dance around with your kids, play tag or waterballoons with them, go for a walk to the park, while they play in the playground continue to walk, make a game out of who can do the most jumpingjacks, skipping, lunges, etc. Also there are alot of exercise dvds that are only 30mins or less, just try fitting it into your day
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Yes you can lose weight without exercise but if you want real improvements in body shape and condition you need to exercise as well...
    I am a single Mum of two young boys, I work and I still find time to exercise. No I don't go to a gym I couldn't afford the time or money. But I get up half an hour earlier in the morning and do a workout DVD, I go running with my kids on their bikes and I fit what I can in when I can.
    Good Luck
    Jules xx
  • christou84
    christou84 Posts: 79 Member
    thanks for sharing this video... Makes me wanna go walk right now LOL
  • Funny, I didn't know you needed a gym membership to work out.

    Don't think that was the point of the post. It would be pretty difficult to even get 30 minutes at home to yourself when you have 4 kids.

    I have one child of my own, 3, I watch my niece 2-3 days a week, she's 1, I work one full time job, and own a separate business that employs me part time. I know a thing or two about being busy -- getting to the gym in situations like this is WASTED time. Jog in place for 10 minutes three times a day, have a "dance party" with the older kids, do a Jillian DVD when everyone is in bed. It's entirely possible, you just have to be inventive and give up on the idea for a work out to count it needs to be 45 minutes at a gym.

    Don't get offended. I didn't imply you were not busy. I was just saying I didn't think that was her point about going to a gym. She was looking for suggestions on what to do OTHER than going to the gym. This post to me was more helpful than the first post you had, just saying.

    I suggested a dance party too :). My friend has 3 kids, from 3 months to age 7, the 2 youngest are 8mos a part (yes, possible,the youngest was early), there is no way she could even run in place for 10 minutes. Although it is getting better, at one point the kids were on different nap schedules. She has to do things with the kids to get "exercise" in.

    I'm not offended, my initial post was to starkly point out that the perspective of the OP isn't health focused. At all.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    When my kids were little I used to dance around the house with them while cleaning. One on the hip and the others would dance and pick things up. Thats great exercise! Walk the kids. They love it and you'll get in some great exercise. Play hop scotch with them or hoolahoops, jump rope, jumpin jacks etc.

    I work full time and when I get home I'm busy with my four daughters until they get in bed. So my time to exercise is literally bed time. So I have a few options. I work out after they go to bed. I usually put in a movie or watch a tv show on netflix and do strength training or pilates. Other times I turn off all electronics in the house and while the kids are still up I crank up the radio and we all have a dance-a-thon. LOL...they love this by the way. And I know you have a new born so let me see....try to get a sling or wrap and wear that baby around the house. The baby will love it and you can dance around.
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    You CAN lose weight without working out, but try to stay healthy and active with the kids - go outside to play, take a walk, etc. You don't need to go to a gym to exercise, maybe when the kids are napping or something you can do a little workout at home :) Go get it!
  • I haven't been to a gym in 2 decades, but I exercise every day. Yoga, walk the dogs, walk the hubby, walk the lawn mower, elliptical (fortunate to have one), and on weekends I put in 3-4 hours of cleaning effort.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    im sure this will sound crazy...but i actually do a it a few times a week....go to the gym on your lunch break. it tottally sux and youre rushing but something in better than nothing. :)
  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    i dont even have kids but work and school always keeps me super busy and i had a gym membership but still always made excuses not to go. -.- so ive recently turned to dvd that i do late at night. or early morning. im doing the 30day shred dvd right now and its only 20 minutes and works you out like crazy. maybe you should look into some dvds so you dont have to leave your house and you could do them after the kids are asleep or before they get up.
  • When my kids were little I used to dance around the house with them while cleaning. One on the hip and the others would dance and pick things up. Thats great exercise! Walk the kids. They love it and you'll get in some great exercise. Play hop scotch with them or hoolahoops, jump rope, jumpin jacks etc.

    I work full time and when I get home I'm busy with my four daughters until they get in bed. So my time to exercise is literally bed time. So I have a few options. I work out after they go to bed. I usually put in a movie or watch a tv show on netflix and do strength training or pilates. Other times I turn off all electronics in the house and while the kids are still up I crank up the radio and we all have a dance-a-thon. LOL...they love this by the way. And I know you have a new born so let me see....try to get a sling or wrap and wear that baby around the house. The baby will love it and you can dance around.

  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    You can lose weight without ever doing any exercise, it's all about the calorie deficit. Exercise isn't required, but does help mood, flexibility and body composition.

    Try a Leslie Sansone walking at home video. Anyone has 30 mins.
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    Work out when you can, and how you can. I have four kids and a full time job, at some point you have to make time for yourself. Even if its take a walk with the kids lifting weights at home there is something you can do. Do it...you deserve it! Its hard for moms to do it, but do it because its better than doing nothing at all!
  • dmgbrown
    dmgbrown Posts: 14 Member
    You have time to exercise you just gotta find it!

    I'm a Mom, I work full-time and I travel 1-2x a month for work and pleasure. My number one tip is figure where you can fit in exercise. Here's a few ways....

    1. wake up early in the morning and get 20-30 minutes of a DVD in
    2. Walk during your lunch hour
    3. Walk to and from lunch ** this is what I did today because I'm not going to get a chance to exercise tonight or tomorrow **
    4. walk the stairs at work instead of taking the elevator.
    5. if your kids are in activities like baseball/soccer figure out how to get in some activity while you're there. Get your other kids involved. ** When my son is at Tae Kwan Do I leave my car at the studio and go for a walk in the near by neighborhood. **
    6. What can drop off your plate? Is there a responsibility you can let go of ** I had to decline being on the PTO board because it would have just over loaded me. I use that 2 hours a week for other stuff now **

    Sorry girl, but I don't have time is just an excuse. We all have the same 24 hours in a day and people manage to fit it in.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Your Baby is a perfect workout.

    1) 4 sets of ten squats holding your baby
    2) 4 sets of ten dead lifts picking up your baby
    3) 4 sets of ten shoulder presses lifting your baby
    4) 4 sets of ten sit ups holding your baby at full extension above your head

    do this 3 to 4 mornings a week

    As you get stronger your baby will grow increasing your resistance, and trust me, your baby will love being played with!