


  • guwisti
    guwisti Posts: 171 Member
    Oooh I'm so excited. My husband just gave me a garmin for my birthday and we found our first two caches today. My parents started years ago when they were 75 and 80 so we went with them a few times. My girlfriend is a maniac and has over 600. I have two teenage boys and I figure that it's a great way to spend time together b/c they love geocaching. Now that I have my own account I have to go back and refind all the ones I found with my folks and my friend.

    I would love some geocaching pals.

    Congrats on your first caches!!! :D
  • Same name on as here, my wife, our 3 year old daughter and I LOVE geocaching. We've already taken our 4 month old son several times! Great family fun, and (can be) great exercise! Friend me fellow geocachers!
  • gse313
    gse313 Posts: 252 Member
    Update... We are on day 143 and 914 finds... hope to hit 1K by the end of the year.
  • lynn_hickey
    lynn_hickey Posts: 80 Member
    We do as a family, and I just love it!! It gets us out together hunting for "treasure" lol! We just put one of our own out at the beginning of this month, and it's fun to track it on the website, and we check on it every once in a while.
  • We cache too! We love it..Our girls call it treasure hunting..We keep all our mcdonald toys and pick them up just for the caches..That reminds me, I need to log a few. We haven't went in a few months, and ten to forget to log most of them after we do them..ur name on there is mikecyndi but we are in the georgia and alabama area..
    But a great way to get the kids out and exercise and do the family thing for cheap..