Just started this week and my calorie intake is supposed to be 1200 a day...I'm feeling hungry. Any suggestions on how to tame the hunger! I appreciate the support.


  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    Large glass of water or cup of tea does it for me.
  • I doubt that your calorie intake should be 1200, there are very few people that only need 1200 a day. I would suggest finding out your BMR and TDEE and going from there. I recently watched a really good video on all of it that may help you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24Iw1thBlLA&feature=youtu.be

    The last thing you want to do is be hungry. Now I will be honest and tell you I am just starting to try this myself but I have a friend who is doing it and it is working for her. Hope this helps some, but if you are hungry you should def be eating.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Some of it is just adjusting to eating less, some of it is eating filling, healthy foods that hold you over between meals, and it's also possible that 1200 isn't enough. It's the standard it seems, that MFP sets most people on, depending on what your weekly weight loss goals are set on (1lb a week, .5lb, or whatever).

    Personally, I did the 1200 for a time, lost some weight, but was hungry often, had anxiety about not going over my cals, eventually didn't have much energy for workouts and was just tired all the time. Food is FUEL! :bigsmile:

    I found this topic extremely helpful in setting better calorie and fat loss goals for myself: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Check it out and see if maybe you should adjust your settings to a higher intake. It's worth the read!
  • Thank I will take a look at it but I did the BMI thing and it's what it says, 1200 calories. I'm 5"4' 170 lbs. Thanks for the post. Much appreciated.