Sucker Punch to My Self Esteem..

So, today was going pretty well for me...I even posted my first NSV!

But then I went to the MVC (Motor Vehicle Commission) to renew my license. It's been four years since I renewed.

After waiting almost 2 hours (yes, you read that correctly!) I finally got my new photo taken for the license. The photo flashed on the screen pretty quickly, and there it was: The double chin. Not like, a little bit. No. A fully disgusting, absolutely mortifying double chin. But it doesn't stop there.

When the lady at the counter handed me my new license, she said very calmly and authoritatively, "You've changed a lot since your last picture." I took a quick glance at my old photo and new photo - the only difference is my face is wider and my chin has doubled. She was politely telling me I had gained a lot of weight in four years.

Well, after being mortified twice (once by the photo and then by the less-than-courteous woman at the counter) a mumbled a "Yeah," and got myself out of there quick.

But now I can't get that stupid photo out of my head. And I won't get it out of my head, because that stupid photo has to go with me everywhere I go for the next four years.

I haven't cried yet, but I really want to.

Encouragement, anyone?


  • annahuebscher
    well, when you've lost the weight and you're in a happy place, you can whip that out like a badge of honor and be happy in your journey. Use it as fuel, so when people see the extra chin on your license and then look up and see you looking sexy and sleek, they won't believe its the same person.

    Also, I look like a serial killer in mine. I think they're meant to be hideous photos.
  • SJCon
    SJCon Posts: 224
    When you get to where you know you will then just say you lost it and pay to re-issue.
  • rnhoppe
    rnhoppe Posts: 111 Member
    I finally got a new one after losing 100lbs. Every time I used my old one I got tons of compliments and double takes...think of how fun it will be then!
  • sandrahulleman
    Some people just don't know when to keep their mouths shut. Remember she works at the Motor Vehicles Branch.:flowerforyou:
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Dont be discouraged, Go get the photo redone, say you lost it, it was destroyed, gone....whatever. Get a haircut, put on some makeup go do it again. Keep in mind its your DL....NO ONE has a good photo! LOL
    If that woman is there again and she makes a comment just reply with "Oh I'll only be fat for a while, you'll be rude MUCH longer"
  • andreajp
    andreajp Posts: 52 Member
    I think there is some law that says the picture *HAS* to be unflattering. In fact I'm pretty sure they have some sort of special filter on their cameras to ensure you look heavier, more tired and more serial killerish than you are in real life.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Ouch! I truly believe driving licence photos are meant to make you look awful. Mine is shockingly bad and here in the uk we're stuck with it for TEN YEARS! your profile pic on here is beautiful so everytime the licence pops into your head look at this one instead. You are beautiful.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I can certainly feel your pain here, it's easy to not see things as they are until BAM - a picture which tells a thousand words.

    But that's okay because

    1.) You are here and will lose the weight - then you can go and pay a few bucks for a new DL and photo.
    2.) You will not get tickets because you don't want to pull that one out

    Try not to stress over it - it's a temporary point in time and you body can change if you commit.
  • Acidique
    Acidique Posts: 119 Member
    I honestly believe (not kidding here) that the angle the MVD chooses to have their cameras at must be a standard height. I say this because I JUST renewed my license. Now, I have about 30lbs to lose. This is the tail end of my journey, I've lost around 90lbs total. When I had my picture taken LAST time I didn't have a double chin. I've never really had one despite my weight, I carry the extra baggage in my stomach, butt, and thighs instead. Anyway. This time when I got my new license I was stoked because I figured the huge weight loss would totally show. Boy was I wrong. Now in the pic I HAVE a double chin, but I have way less body fat that before, so I KNOW I didn't magically gain a double chin. It's all the angle. So however they have it set up, even if you don't have much of a double chin, it makes it look much worse than it is. Seriously.

    Don't beat yourself up. Everyone looks way worse in those than they do IRL.

    Also, you can "accidentally" lose your license sometime if you don't mind paying for a new one, and try to get a better pic. Either way, don't let it get you down. Soon it'll be a distant piece of your past. :) Good luck!
  • FitXnX50
    FitXnX50 Posts: 122 Member
    Or, You *could* scan and post that photo on your profie :grumble: Actually, it seems you already have the motivation. I too want to be healthier than people older than me. It's just the way things should be! I've posted a before picture and can't wait to save my reputation with the after-shot! It's helping me reach the goal faster than I'd imagined possible.
  • mindirella
    I finally got a new one after losing 100lbs. Every time I used my old one I got tons of compliments and double takes...think of how fun it will be then!

    ^^ Totally!!!!!!
  • leo02098
    leo02098 Posts: 106 Member
    Those photos NEVER look good!! Don't beat yourself up hun!
    I have the most horrible photo on my drivers license, on my passport and don't get me started on my student ID!! They are never flattering...that's what photos with your friends on a night out are for!!! ;) You're gorgeous! Don't let some DMV or MVC lady get you down...screw her!
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I think you are very pretty and have great hair, if that makes you feel better. I am a former NJ resident- a Rutgers grad also. I miss NJ...a little... :)
  • familyof9
    I work in the government, and guess what, there are more rude people than nice people. I am sorry she was so crude but you are not your picture, it is just an image. Allow it to motivate you to greatness! Another thing, that woman is a miserable person with low-self esteem. Don't let her get you down girl!:flowerforyou: OH! And you are gorgeous!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    How rude of the staff member to even say anything. My drivers licence photo is hideous too but I hardly ever look it anyway. It just sits in my wallet though I am reminded on the odd occassion how truly awful it is.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Put that photo on your fridge. Surely thats motivation enough to work hard at losing weight?

    I look at fat photos i hate and it makes me want to go to the gym and train hard. I'm running away from the fat man!
  • GeekyGoddess
    Its a great "before" shot. when you're ready for a new, thinner one just pretend you lost it and go get a new one, and make sure they don't try to print one up with the old picture file.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    i renewed mine yesterday im also dreading my photo when it comes in the mail eeek.. I hope its not horrible
  • wingednotes
    I keep mine in my wallet backwards so I don't have to look at it.
  • cinden33
    cinden33 Posts: 9 Member
    Ahhh, that sucks sweetie. However, NO ONE takes a good license There is a few lucky ones out there, but I'd say the norm is pretty bad. I bet if you googled "bad license pics" you would end up feeling better. Hang in won't remember this in ten years :)