Need Help With A Workout Routine! Please

I was using this site and running everyday for about 6 months, and really enjoyed doing both. A few months ago I moved to Mexico and stopped doing both. I didn't have internet at home, so logging my food was really difficult, and the weather made it really hard for me to run outside. Lame excuses, I know!

In the past few months, I've packed on enough pounds and gotten out of shape and now I want back in. I just joined a gym near me and I need help getting an exercise routine down. I have never really been a fan of gyms, mainly because I don't know what to do. I usually end up using the treadmill and a few machines, but I do often feel like a fish out of water in there.

I'm not a very good runner, but I like it. I can't do very long distance but when I was running before I was able to do about 3 miles in 35 minuntes or so (that was after running for 6 months though, so it will take me a while to get back to that). I know a few exercises I can do with free weights and an exercise ball, but I always seem to forget the ones I used to know.

I need a workout routine that I can do for somewhere between 45 minutes and an hour. Please help me with any suggestions! Thanks :)