What should be my next step?

Hi guys,

I just wanted few tips on what I should be doing next.

I've been running for almost 4 weeks now and I'm almost into the 60 minute mark jogging on a treadmill. After the run I usually to push-up sit-ups and end my session there.

I continue the same procedure for 5 days a week and manage to burn around thousand calories a day.

Therefore should I be changing anything or should keep it how it is?

Thanks in advance


  • gaston84
    gaston84 Posts: 14 Member
    this really good going, if you got access to a rowing machine that would be good as that works quite a few muscles in your body and is good for cardio, try to do around 30 minutes on it.

    With the treadmill do you do a flat run or do you do hills/intervals etc as this will work your body and heart rate too.
  • manishvaja1
    manishvaja1 Posts: 5 Member
    this really good going, if you got access to a rowing machine that would be good as that works quite a few muscles in your body and is good for cardio, try to do around 30 minutes on it.

    With the treadmill do you do a flat run or do you do hills/intervals etc as this will work your body and heart rate too.

    right then, I need to buy a rowing machine or leave my personal "gym" and join a real gym... thanks for the tip
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    All you need to do is add 1000 burpees to end of your routine and you'll start to get into shape.
  • gaston84
    gaston84 Posts: 14 Member
    if you havent got one dont worry, when you use the treadmill try to do different work outs on it. it's easy to get on a treadmill and run, but when you chuck in inclines and declines, and sprints it soon starts to work the heart.

    Try a Cardio sprint pyramid. this is a 15 min warm up and at the end do a 20 sec sprint to prepare the body for whats to come.
    so do a 30 sec sprint then 30 recovery, 1 min sprint, 1 min recovery, 2 min sprint, 2 min recovery, 4 mins sprint, 4 mins recovery, 2 mins sprint, 2 mins recovery, 1 mins sprint, 1 min recovery, 30 sec sprint, 30 secs recovery, then do a flat run for 10-15mins and do it again. just a littel change like that and you will see the difference (its hard going tho)
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Step one: Determine your specific gal\s
    Step two: Tell us what it\they are