Food shopping...for what?

I'm hitting the store AGAIN tomorrow, there isn't a lot of food in the house (even though the closet and fridge/freezer) are pretty much full. It's not full of good stuff. A lot of junk. I'll let the other people in the house eat it.

I'm a big snacker, and usually eat when I'm bored. I've been using pinterest to find some good recipes, but to go through all that ...

I need more chicken, I rarely eat red meat...

I don't know how to fully utilize spices in meals, and veggies, I hate eating plan but don't know how to mix and match for something that tastes half way decent.

What do you guys normally buy when you go food shopping. I know shopping the perimeter, I've heard that plenty... but what do you grab?


  • FluffyNoMore26
    FluffyNoMore26 Posts: 92 Member
    Staples in my house are Chicken, spinach, onions, and eggs. I usually keep my pantry stocked with a variety of canned food for side dishes. You always need to have diced tomatoes on hand they can pretty much go in any meal. As far as spices go, I hardly use salt but it is good to sprinkle on things if you like it. Pepper is important, and garlic powder is too. We usually keep creole and blackned seasoning in the cabinet too. Creole and Blackned seosoning go great on chicken any way you cook it.