C25K what was your starting weight? over 180?



  • I started it several years ago (before getting married, kids, and gaining it all back and starting all over again) at about 245. Started running again this year at about 240 but didn't follow C25K. I can now run a 5k at a 9.5 minute per mile pace. I rule.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Started? I hope I never get down to 180. Weighing in at 210 and I can run 4 miles non-stop at a 9:30 pace. Going to try to do another 4 tomorrow morning closer to 9:00 pace. Wish me luck.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I started at around 200 pounds. Since starting, I have done two 5ks, two triathlons and I have my first 10k in less than two weeks. I'm still 198 pounds now! My suggestion if you are having trouble breathing: slow down a bit. I got to a point where I felt like I wasn't going to run any further - it was around 10 minutes, and just slowing down my run a tad has mad a HUGE difference. I'm not a fast runner, but I have increased the distance that I can run by a large amount and that means a lot more to me. The speed can come later! Good luck and have fun :)