Should I wait another 10/15lbs to wear this outfit?



  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    You look great! Definitely NOT a stuffed sausage! The tunic is very flattering. I love outfits like this - fitted but let you move!
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    Honestly was thinking "probably not" when I saw the topic. But then, I saw the pic. Then thought: ABSOLUTELY! It is so cute. It flatters you.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I think you look great, but I do have a tip! If yoou don't feel super-confident (I never do in leggings!) Throw on a wide black belt, it makes everything look smoother, and will accentuate your tiny waist :)
  • BamaGirl777
    Wear it now!! It looks awesome!!
  • thatguynick
    thatguynick Posts: 106 Member
    That outfit looks great on you :)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I'd sport a pair of Spanx...They do wonders!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    looks good to me
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    Honestly was thinking "probably not" when I saw the topic. But then, I saw the pic. Then thought: ABSOLUTELY! It is so cute. It flatters you.

    ^^^^^ agree 100%
  • msgingerc
    Wear it, you look amazeballs!
  • ittyXbittyXbritty
    You look great. It really flatters your curves :) You have a lovely figure.
  • liittlebrunette
    liittlebrunette Posts: 90 Member
    I'm gonna go with being truthful

    Do YOU feel confortable in that outfit right now? or do you feel self-conscience? if the answer is B) self- conscience then I say no. Don't wear it yet, wait til you feel good and confident to wear it.

    If you're asking us if you need to lose more weight, do you feel that you do?

    You look good regardless
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    If you feel confident, go for it! Just don't slouch! If you stand up straight, you'll look fantastic in it. If you slouch, it might look a bit small.

    It looks great on you in the pictures :)
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member
    I say wear it, i think you look awesome!

  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    Looks good to me!
  • asticoral
    YOU look great.......... but I won't tell you to wear that combo out anywhere - in the house or yard, fine...... huge flowers are tacky and cheap looking...... You're not smiling wearing it, so thats the cue
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    Wow. Thanks everyone!

    I totally agree on the spanx - they make spanx tights! - however, this dress/shirt is so short that the darker part shows on the thigh area.

    I think with heels and better posture (guilty as charged) this would be doable at night, sooner than later. :)

    Thanks everyone, didn't expect so many responses!
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    Looks great! As long as you feel comfy and happy in it!!! Go for it!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    You look damn good to me. I say go for it!
  • MrsWonderland
    MrsWonderland Posts: 107 Member
    You have nice curves, you look good in it. Id wear it if I looked like that.
  • joconnor09
    I think you look awesome! It really shows off your curves (in a good way lol)! I'd say go for it. Wish I looked that good, but I'm still working towards that!