how to be social and healthy???

bianca71581 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
First I have to say I am so impressed by the communal support on here--I just browsed lots of other people's introductory posts and was amazed by the pretty quick responses.
Here's my scoop...I'm a 28 year old working in a high school (some teaching, but mostly a desk job). I have always been up and down in my weight. Even when i was in high school, I was never thin--so I always saw myself as too large. Now, when I look back I can see that I was more normal than I would admit at the time. In college I went through a phase of being seriously overweight. I ended that phase but not with the healthiest eating habits and a yo-yo back up to an uncomfortable size.
Now I'm at a point where I just want to be healthy and comfortable with myself. I have often given up on weight loss goals because it seemed to take the enjoyability out of the every I would diet until I was happy enough with my body and then decide I could do whatever I wanted. I also tend to give up when I'm hungry enough to be cranky with others.
Last year, in a commitment to health I trained for and completed an olympic distance triathlon. It was awesome, but I thought the best part about it was getting to eat whatever I wanted since i was burning so many calories training. After the race the training ended, but the calories continued...
So here I am, new year, new goals. One thing I would like some support on.... I find it really hard to eat well and still be as social as I want. Going out to dinner is such a luxury that when I do it I can't seem to make myself choose leaner, healthier (and often less delicious sounding) options. Even at home, we cook a lot of healthy, whole grain meals (rarely have meat) but if my roommates make dessert or have drinks, or even hot chocolate I don't know how to be part of the fun without partaking of the calories--most of them are not overweight. Where's the balance between being laid back and enjoying good things in good company, and really making consistently healthy choices?


  • I am a firm believer in a system of rewards for good behavior. I allow myself one cheat meal a week. This means that all the other meals that day have to be just the same as if I wasn't allowing myself that cheat. I find it a nice excuse to be able to see friends and either go out for dinner or drinks. Otherwise, try and stick to healthier food. And never be afraid to be a royal pain at a restaurant and ask them to hold the oil, cheese, etc. They might hate it but if doing this is as important to you as it seems the discomfort/annoyance of a waiter or two shouldn't be a dealbreaker.

    Just remember to have fun with life. When you're happy everything else seems miraculously easier!
  • Welcome! This is a great tool, it has helped me alot! My biggest obstacle is eating in social situations too! My favorite part of get togethers is the drinks and snacks! I still struggle, but have come a LONG way! Here is what i do:
    When I'm drinking i try to stick to liquor w/ diet sodas or diet tonic or club soda (vodka soda w/ lime, captain and diet coke, rum and diet dr. pepper... i am beginning to sounds like a lush)
    When the snacks come out at peoples houses i make sure i bring a veggie tray (or my own veggie burgers for bbq's etc)and load up my own plate. If there is something i really want i just take a little bit. Then I park my butt AWAY from the food. If we are all around a table and the food is close, I try to sit outside the group a little bit so I'm not mindlessly munching and I don't have good access to the table (if you have to reach over someone to grab that 3rd cookie, you will think twice)
    Going out to dinner is tough. I usually have bowl of Progresso soup before, just make sure you are not starving when you get there. I will share an entree w/ someone or just order the best option out of their appetizers. Stay away from 99% of the salads, a burger usually has less calories than a restraunt salad
    Hope this helps you, if you can't do it all the next time you go out... don't worry. Do your best, you will still be saving a TON of calories even if you indulge half as much
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I live in an area that is filled with restaurants everywhere!! We have chains of Applebees to Outback and independent restaurants. It seems the only thing here to do when getting together with friends is meet out to have a nice dinner. And the usual pick is the beloved Olive Garden. The one thing that I have learned to do - because I can't stay away from Chicken Alfredo - is not to eat everything on my plate. My sister and I started getting into the habit of sharing a meal. I know most restaurants hate this option, but hey, I'm paying for it aren't I? And if I don't' share, I eat 1/4 to 1/2 of my plate and ask for a box right away to take it for lunch the next day and that I don't end up eating it all. Same goes for dessert ordered or if my mom makes it - I'll cut a piece and end up sharing it with her or my sister or a friend so we're not eating the whole thing.
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