Hello everyone! Switched over to MFP from LiveStrong...

Hello everyone, my name is Larisa! I am not new to the calorie counting thing, but I am new to MyFitnessPal! I have used Livestrong's MyPlate feature for a few years now, but my friend convinced me to switch and so far I am liking it better! There is sooo much more stuff in the database here on MFP and I love that!
Anyway, it would be nice to make some new friends to share my thoughts with and get some feedback about any questions I might have!

Hope everyone is having a great day!


  • Welcome! I started using MFP at my trainer recommendation and loved it but not until a couple days ago did I realize how much I needed more support. I'm so glad I've been reaching out to new friends and love this site so much more even since meeting new people. Feel free to add me and we can support eachother!
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    Thats so crazy. I just recently started looking that up. I wanted to join, which I actually have one, but I dunno yet.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    Livestrong is great for articles and recipes, but MFP beats it for tracking hands-down!