protein shakes for dinner. Bad????

So I have decided to not eat after my work outs and just drink protein shakes for dinner. I drink Myoplex advantedge carb control. It has 110 calories, and I don't feel hungry. Do you think its not good to do this?


  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    Whatever feels right, I say go for it. I often don't feel hungry after exercise. I think as long as you are eating your veggies at another time, should be fine.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    As long as it fits your calorie goal and macros....I say go for it.

    After a good workout I often don't feel like eating a big meal and it's good to get extra protein right after a weighs workout,...but my protein smoothies have more like 275 calories. 110 total sounds low for one meal.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    110 sounds too low IMO.
    I do protein smoothies as dinner but mine are a meal. Calories range from 350 - 450 depending on what I put in it. 110 sounds more like a snack. I eat about 2000 cal per day
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    One suggestion is to monitor a few days and see if you feel ravenous before bed or wake up feeling that way in the night. If that happens, you might want to up the calories in that protein drink. Even a double serving would only get you 220 calories. Also, if you are doing any strength training/weight lifting or you are burning a large amount of calories, you will want to monitor your muscle mass...don't want your body attacking muscle to get the protein it needs. This may not really happen (I don't proclaim to be a nutrition/science expert) but that is what I have been advised, if you don't get enough protein after a workout, I was told your body will take it from your muscles.

    In the end, you should do what works for you. YOu will get a lot of conflicting advise probably, so in the end, you will need to do your own research and do what works for you!