Have I permanently ruined my brain?



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Definitely ask for a full neuropsych workup. I have a seizure disorder that can cause permanent brain damage, and I was terrified that I was incurably impaired. My neurologist ordered a neuropsych test and it was fantastic. Essentially, what I learned was that, yes, there is some damage but it's minor (mainly to do with sense of direction and 3-D orientation, which thank heavens there's GPS to address when driving!). I was also very candid about the doctor about past alcohol and drug usage, and she was able to assure me that there was no evident organic damage related to substance abuse.

    It was such a relief to have my fears taken seriously, evaluated, and explained. And even though I did learn that i had some brain damage, I also learned the extent of it (thankfully minor), and that actually alleviated my stress, because now it's a quantifiable, treatable thing rather than a scary mysterious "big bad."

    Glad that yours is only minor.. How much does all this cost?