Weekly vs Daily Weigh-Ins

I have some friends who insist that it is counter productive when they are dieting to weigh themselves any more than once a week. I can't help using my scales every morning though the results are often skewed by doing it this often. Is there something in the mindset of a person that weighs themselves daily that is disadvantageous compared to someone who is prepared to wait a week to see the results of their efforts?


  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    I weigh myself every day. If the scale goes down a fraction I take that as something I have done right. If it goes up a fraction, well, we all know the body fluctuates from day to day so it is not my fault. It is a win win situation for me. :)
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    I might check a few times a week, but I only log the once-a-week value.

    Plus, every diet/fitness club/plan I have ever seen uses weekly weigh-ins. If this is the one thing the entire industry agrees on, there must be some sense in it!
  • vanillarama
    vanillarama Posts: 101 Member
    I think the danger is that you start becoming a bit addicted to the numbers and some people lose sight of the ultimate goal of better health. The fact that you're asking the question at all makes me wonder if you also think it might not be the best thing for you.

    You could try putting the scale away and just getting it out once a week, or once every two weeks. I think if it is just sitting out, it might be harder to not just jump on :)
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    agree with vanillarama and only because I became one of those people!

    Last year I lost 26lbs, it was wonderful weighing in and watching the numbers go down consistantly. But then I got ill, really ill. Found out I have a form of hypothryoidism which effects my brain too, I went on holiday came back and gave up. When I eventually returned I gained most of the weight I had lost, so the scales came out again. This time was different, because of my thyroid I dont consistantly lose weight anymore and it fluctuates more than the weather over here (4 seasons in 1 day!) I became so obsessed with the scales they made their way from the bathroom to the living room, the living room to now beside the tv. Ive thankfully learnt to avoid it and not take it seriously especially as Im losing inches, but it is so easy to get worked up over it, so if you can put it away somewhere and only bring it out once a week when you are ready to weigh in. It drove me insane before and now Ive learnt to avoid it I feel so much better about myself!
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Remember to take measeurement each week / two weeks. I lose more cm than weight so thats better for me... I weigh myself once or twice a week, but I know my true loss is reflected on Friday morning, when I take my measurments.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    It's just data/information - it depends how you react to that information.
    If it motivates you by having a daily measurement do it, it if discourages you when you have a reverse then don't.
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    I weigh myself daily, if not more like twice daily to be honest. it's not a popular choice here from responses I got on a post which was completely hijacked by people telling me not to weigh myself that often and I was obsessed when I had asked a completely different question!

    It is up to you entirely how often you weigh, if you use it as another measurement to keep you in touch with you body and your progress then it's a great idea like tracking food and exercise daily. I find it useful to see the fluctuations and it's a reminder to lower my salt intake for instance if I see the weight going up when I am within my calorie goal. If you weigh every day and record it I think it is useful to see that your weight does go up and down even within a general downward trend and this can be really heartening when you see the scale go up as you can look back and see it was ok when it did that before.

    I don't get the backlash - it is good to be realistic and see the effect of having a full stomach, eating a bigger than normal meal etc on weight. You aren't just your weight and it's unrealistic and unscientific to decide that you are represented by what the scales say at any moment in time nevermind one magical moment on a weekly basis ;o)
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    I used to hop on and off the scales constantly.....and despite being intelligent enough to know that the body fluctuates throughout the day a gain from one day to the next that seemed larger than I would have expected could send me straight to the Monster Munch and a pizza to console myself.

    I don't have scales at home anymore and without the temptation there it doesn't bother me, I weigh once a week and look forward and get to feel just a tad more sane during the week.....just a tad mind you!!!

    It's horses for courses.....what floats one persons boat might sink somebody elses...
  • helenx55
    helenx55 Posts: 48 Member
    Only time i daily way is when it's totm, even tho i know its natural to go up by 5lbs it still disheartens me so i use the daily weighing at that time to keep me on track.
    Otherwise i weigh once a week and take measurements fortnightly.