What keeps you going?

I know a few do not consider Insanity a workout, and that is fine.
I am on my "recovery week" and I am ready to give up an move on. Just for the sheer fact that I get bored and I am tired of waking up at 5 AM to workout.

So anyone and everyone who wakes up at the crack of dawn, WHAT keeps you going?! What helps you wake up? What gives you the drive to continue every morning and not just sleep in and do it later?

Just trying to get some spirit here!



  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I think if you're having trouble waking up to work out, you should change your schedule accordingly. Not everyone is a morning person. If you'd rather not get up that early, sleep in and get your workout done during the evening when you have time.
  • TxAngel79
    TxAngel79 Posts: 318 Member
    Don't give up finish it!! You're my inspiration to complete it!! :wink:

    When I don't want to get up in the morning, I think about why I need to!! I admit, some mornings I say "Oh well, one day won't hurt"....but it does!!!! I feel blah all day if I don't have a morning workout!

    You can do anything sweets!! I have faith in you!!!!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Well I don't work out in the morning, but it seems now that I need to get up at the crack of dawn to prepare and eat my breakfast along with preparing my food for work. As far as what keeps me going, results.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It depends, sometimes it's the fear of being overweight again. Not really a positive motivator, but it's the truth.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    BACON!!! Bacon is what keeps me going
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    First of all....if someone doesn't consider Insanity a workout, they haven't tried insanity...case closed.

    Switch it up if you can. There is NO WAY I could function properly to do that kind of workout first thing in the morning. Schedule permitting, so them later in the day?
  • It depends, sometimes it's the fear of being overweight again. Not really a positive motivator, but it's the truth.

    That is some truth!
  • First of all....if someone doesn't consider Insanity a workout, they haven't tried insanity...case closed.

    Switch it up if you can. There is NO WAY I could function properly to do that kind of workout first thing in the morning. Schedule permitting, so them later in the day?

    I want to, but my hubs gets off at 4:30 and he is now "accustomed" to me coming home and hanging out with him. He claims he "misses" me when I workout at night.. Hah!
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    I have a friend that I work out with - knowing someone else is getting up and ready keeps me accountable to staying with it! And, now even on the days that she can't make it, I'm usually already up & ready so I follow through.

    I have also gotten to the point that if I miss more than a day or two of working out, I feel sluggish.
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    I think your picture in your post says it all. "Do something today that your future self will thank you for."

    What keeps me going? RESULTS!

    Looking at your profile it appears you are getting good results. Keep pushing play, you are half way to finishing. If working out at 5AM is not for you, change to doing it in the afternoons or at lunch. There is nothing in the Insanity fitness guide or elsewhere that says you "HAVE TO" workout at 5AM.

    Have you tried setting goals to try and match just the warm ups? That way you are pushing yourself and you have a "mini-goal" to reach and strive for.

  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    What keeps me going is doing something that I LOVE!! For me, zumba keeps me going!! Literally hah
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I know how I will feel about myself if I sleep in instead of getting up and hitting the gym on a planned workout day and that's enough to get me up. I don't like feeling that way and I love how I feel when I have hit the gym, come home and showered and started the coffee before anyone in my house is even up. I feel energized and strong and my day just seems so much more balanced when I start it with some exercise. I hate guilt so I get out of bed. Some days it's hard and some days it's easy but every day it's worth it.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    First of all....if someone doesn't consider Insanity a workout, they haven't tried insanity...case closed.

    Switch it up if you can. There is NO WAY I could function properly to do that kind of workout first thing in the morning. Schedule permitting, so them later in the day?

    I want to, but my hubs gets off at 4:30 and he is now "accustomed" to me coming home and hanging out with him. He claims he "misses" me when I workout at night.. Hah!

    Yuck, really? He can't not hang out with you for an hour at night?
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 729 Member
    What keeps me going, especially when I have slump weeks like this one is for me. Is looking back at old "before" pictures and saying to myself " that is what being complacent and giving up does".

    I then will just try to set short term goals for myself. My goals for next week are to work out 5 days. And then build from there. We all need a week to de-compress and get our focus back. I wrote this quote and message this morning on my wall, maybe it will help you as well:

    "Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward."
    Keep fighting and pushing. This thing we are doing is not a short term goal, but a long term commitment. There will be pitfalls and roadblocks along the way- but the important thing is to move past them and continue on. One foot in front of the other.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member

    This keeps me motivated lol
    I want to, but my hubs gets off at 4:30 and he is now "accustomed" to me coming home and hanging out with him. He claims he "misses" me when I workout at night.. Hah!

    Oh...hmmmm....I have been wanting to start like a buddy system....I could FB ya in the morning when I wake up?
    "Leslee, I'm getting up to workout....you should too"
  • I think your picture in your post says it all. "Do something today that your future self will thank you for."

    What keeps me going? RESULTS!

    Looking at your profile it appears you are getting good results. Keep pushing play, you are half way to finishing. If working out at 5AM is not for you, change to doing it in the afternoons or at lunch. There is nothing in the Insanity fitness guide or elsewhere that says you "HAVE TO" workout at 5AM.

    Have you tried setting goals to try and match just the warm ups? That way you are pushing yourself and you have a "mini-goal" to reach and strive for.


    I have tried setting goals actually! And that does help! I should do that more often.
    IE, finish the warm up completely without stopping. Or beat Tanya... Haha HUGE goal there. That girl is a beast.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I'm up at just after 3:00 am every day. I found that it's they only time I can consistently make time for the gym. If I put if off till after work, one of the kids, or my wife, or my work...or something, will find a way of interfering at least twice a week.
    I wake up thinking, "This is my only chance. Now is the time, because later is just too dam unreliable."

    From a practical point of view, I get up every day that early because it's the only way to stay in a the right sleep cycle. Taking off Wednesday would make Thursday feel like Monday, again. If that makes any sense.
  • ian-vampire-diaries.jpg

    This keeps me motivated lol
    I want to, but my hubs gets off at 4:30 and he is now "accustomed" to me coming home and hanging out with him. He claims he "misses" me when I workout at night.. Hah!

    Oh...hmmmm....I have been wanting to start like a buddy system....I could FB ya in the morning when I wake up?
    "Leslee, I'm getting up to workout....you should too"

    Holy piss, I almost spit out my coffee!
    You ARE awesome!!
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    It makes me feel better about myself.
    I am much happier as a person when I have control over my food intake and exercise.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm not a morning person and I know this about myself. I schedule my workout every night for 7pm! After work, after dinner, before kids bedtime snack, physiotherapy & their lights out!

    It works for me. Yeah, sometimes i'm tired, but I push through it. It sure beats getting up early (for me). I find if I get up early, I'm way too rushed to get my workout in, get myself ready for work, do the kids physiotherapy, get them breakfast and off to school, and myself off to work etc.....It makes me anxious just thinking about it.

    Evenings are better for me. If you're lacking motivation in the mornings, find a simpler time for you to workout.