Name 3 great things about deciding to get healthier for you



  • jcriscuolo
    jcriscuolo Posts: 319 Member
    1. Live longer
    2. Feel stronger
    3. Look younger
  • mcn79
    mcn79 Posts: 112 Member
    I just posted a topic and had listed 10. Here they are:

    1. I have waaaay more energy.
    2. The foods I crave are already much different than they were 102 days ago.
    3. I handle my stress in ways that no longer involve food.
    4. I want to exercise more frequently. I'm still not dying to run everyday, but I get antsy if I don't exercise every couple of days.
    5. I can tie my shoes more easily!
    6. I wore tights for the first time this season and I can get them on MUCH easier and they fit better
    7. My clothes look better. I wear a lot of skirts and dresses, so a lot of my clothes still fit me, just better.
    8. My feet are shrinking.
    9. My sex drive is increasing!
    10. I'm committed and I'm not afraid of quitting or failing. My mindset has changed and I'm sticking with this lifestyle change. It may take me a few weeks longer to hit my goal, but really, it's no big deal.
  • kochou
    kochou Posts: 19 Member
    Preventing a forth minor stroke
    Being there for my family
    Looking better than I did in college :)
  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member
    I am off blood pressure meds.
    The ankle I broke that kept hurting and swelling up, feels much better and stronger.
    My kids are proud of me.
  • happypath101
    1. I can shop wherever I want to - even in the malls for the tiny, little Asian girls. I may be a large there, but I can actually get something off the rack and fit it.
    2. My asthma is under control.
    3. When I wake up every morning, I can hop out of bed - literally. I no longer feel like a 1000 pounds of slug first thing.