maybe im just not in a gud mood but....

hi i was flicking through a diet magazine and on every page there are these women -and guys, that hav made some amazin changes to their body with what i know is down to alot of hard work. not only that but they all seem to transform into these stunning out going ppl. mayb im just havin an off day but i found myself wonderin about when i lose the weight , how will i feel? iv felt fat n ugly for so long what if im not any different under all this.
i know only one way to find out and im determined im gona see what a thin me feels like, but ne1 else ever hav the same sort of thought n fears?

honestly im usually a more upbeat person but its funny the thoughts that go thru ur head late at nite lol:smile:


  • thicansxy
    Ok that is so me... I have always been a big girl. I go do big girl parties. My husband is attracted to big girls and I have always had a large cup size if you get what I mean. I am afraid if I lose the weight I will lose those too and I have learned ways to get what I want by having them. But most of all I think I am pretty but what if I get skinny and get ugly. I have seen it happen.

    Praying for the best thats all i can do
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    its the great thing bout this site everyone is so positive and supportive i think i just needed to hear that sum1 else has had that crazy n slightly depressin thought lol
    its early days for me but it just feels different this time round if u knw what i mean - like i know i will get there!
    im actually lookin forward to my first weigh in :smile:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I expect to like myself more than I do now when I get to my goal weight. If I don't, I will be hugely disappointed... but I will find a way to happiness somehow!
  • mdale2
    mdale2 Posts: 79
    I lost a large amount of weight while in high school putting me into a healthy range, where I've essentially stayed for the last 7-8 years with the exception of one bump in weight during college due to poor habits.

    Essentially your personality remains the same. I still have insecurities about how I look and will probably have them for life. I still flinch if some piece of clothing fits too tight. The best change, for me anyway, was the benefit of better health. Long gone are the days of feeling sluggish or fatigued and I'm able to go outside and run 2 miles, go on a hike or bike ride without difficulty.

    I was chubby but fairly active as a kid and was teased all the time. I think the scars of having to deal with that (emotionally) will NEVER go away. You just get up and move on. And from then on you can easily empathize with those that want to lose weight or pursue a healthy lifestyle.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I don't know if being think equates happiness. People call me thin, but I really don't feel any different. I still have some hangups and still see myself as the fat girl. I am working on that and trying to build up my confidence. Losing the weight will help you mentally, but there is still so much more to work on.

    I know for some people, they have used weight as a shield to protect them from the world. When they lose the weight, the attention they get can get unnerving and they end up putting it back on so that they can stay in the shadows.

    BTW, the people in the magazine have all been airbrushed to look better than they are. Even in the fitness magazine, those women don't look that on the street.