Hungry Every Hour or So



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Without seeing your diary, I'm just going to speculate that you have cut too much fat from your diet. A lack of unsaturated fats, at a calorie deficit, for a long period of time causes the body to generate grehlin. Grehlin is designed to generate the appetite and will make you feel ravenously hungry all the time. You can take a fish oil supplement, but I would just recommend a serving of peanut butter a day, preferrably with breakfast. You should start feeling less hungry within a few days.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Welcome to my life. I am always hungry. Didn't used to be that way. Before I started eating healthy and losing weight I could go all day without eating and not even think about it. But then when I would remember to eat or my hubby would ask if I'd eaten and I'd realize I hadn't, it would be a ridiculously unhealthy meal of fast food or something huge from a fast casual restaurant.

    Once I started eating breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, dessert, it seems like it turned on some switch that has made me always hungry. I actually plan and pack enough snacks and food to bring to work each day to be able to eat pretty much every hour while I'm at work otherwise I actually get distracted from work. I eat plenty of protein, (130+g every day), I eat good carbs, and I eat tons of veggies (especially since I'm eating so many times a day, I always snack on lots of veggies for low calorie snacks), but that's just how it is.

    Oh, and I also drink 18-21 cups of water a day, so it's not that either. I've always been a big eater, able to pack away more than the hubby, but nowadays I can pack away more in a day or a single sitting than I've ever been able to.

    I just plan for it by prepping food that I can nibble on through the day and fix dinners that are as filling as possible in order to kill the appetite in the evenings.
  • bsuzanne88
    bsuzanne88 Posts: 61 Member
    Is it really that you are hungry or just bored and think your hungry. I could go to a buffet and fill up to my hearts desire and be ready for the next "meal" an hour later. I know I am definitly not hungry and don't need to eat and when it all comes down to it i'll be okay not eating. I'm given 1200 calories a day (suggested by MFP) and I know I need to spare every little calorie I can so I will make sure I am really hungry and nothing else.

    You really should rethink your diet if you are hungry every hour.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I don't know about the original poster, but for me, my work doesn't give me time to be bored. In fact, often it ends up with me feeling like I could eat a horse by the time I'm finally able to tear away from my desk to go grab a snack from my lunch bag in the kitchen.
  • Are you sure that it is really hunger? I was reading somewhere that a good way to determine if you're truly hungry is to rate your hunger on a 1-10 scale (10 being you would kill/do anything for food). If you consider yourself a 6 or above, you are truly hungry, if less, it is usually a crave. :/ I don't know.
  • Alyxw
    Alyxw Posts: 50 Member
    Up until I cut grains out of my diet I used to feel the same - hungry all the time - starving even.

    I now eat mainly vegetables, protein and fats and I feel so much more stable in terms of satisfaction after eating and hunger levels.
  • uwdawg07
    Add more protein, fiber and healthy fats. Drink lots of water, and keep your mind busy!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'm not trying to convert you or anything but I'd actually try fasting for a bit. Doesn't even need to be that long but just drink fluids and wait and see what real hunger is like. Then you will have a better understanding of when you are ACTUALLY hungry.
  • ashumeow
    ashumeow Posts: 151 Member
    Try protein bar chocolates... or grains

    If you are a non-veggie, then try eating boiled white egg..