Bikram Yoga?

Does anyone know a reliable number for calories burned during a 90 minute session of Birkam Yoga? Thanks!


  • Eliaheart
    Eliaheart Posts: 73 Member
    When I did yoga, my instructor said bikram burns about 350 calories per hour.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I went not too long ago and I wore my hrm just once and I burned 215 calories... depends on how fit you are too!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Bikram is different though. A website I found quoted 955 for 1.5 hours for 140lb. person. I once took my heart rate monitor with me, the above stats are pretty accurate.
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    Bikram yoga is different, I think the above post is in the ball park. I love it!
  • CausalNexus
    CausalNexus Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks, all!
  • Celestia
    Celestia Posts: 106 Member
    I did Bikram's for the first time yesterday and my HRM and it said 822 calories for 1.5 hours.