Back again!!!

Hi! my name is Ashton I am a 25y/o mommy of 3!!

I used my fitness pal in 2010 to lose some much needed baby weight after my little girl was born in October of 09. I went from 135LBS to 103LBS in 8 months just using this app! I recently (9/12/12) gave birth via c-section to my third and gained a horrid 60LBS:angry: . so far i have lost 25LBS just sitting on my butt recovering but I am ready to jump start this process!! wish me luck!! :bigsmile:


  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Good luck! YOu've done it before so you know you can do it again :)
  • thank you! im very nervous it might not work a well this time.60 lbs is quite a bit to gain!