New and Blue

lahard0 Posts: 13 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I heard about this site awhile ago and wish I hadnt waited so long to start. I am reasonably healthy and in the last two months have already lost my first 10 lbs. I carry most of my weight in my bottom half and so many people see me in clothes and don't think there is a problem. However, according to the military and BMI standards....I am overwieght. I've always had thick muscular legs, but as I gained weight they only got bigger. I can't even wear sexy boots like most women because they won't fit over my calves. Sickening.....

I have finally gotten down to 146, but would like to get down to 135. Losing more would be great in theory, but since I am so bottom extra weight loss tends to make me look too skinny up top. I dont want to look skinny-just healthy and sexy, so at 5'4" I will happily settle for 135.

Luckily, I have a few friends down here that are also site members, and/or into fitness and weight loss so I feel like I have amazing support. I belong to E-Fit and that place is probably the only reason I am making the progress that I am. I wish everyone success in all of their endeavors and will welcome all o the support, motivation, and fitness tips that I can get.

Cheers to all,



  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Good Luck to you!
  • lahard0
    lahard0 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks so much!
    LEANDRA66 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name is Leigh and it's great to see some AF companions on here. I was also in the air force and just retired, and fell into the same boat you did with trying to pass my pt test and of course not being able to fit in those skinny jeans or any cute jeans for that

    I am 5'4'' as well and have managed to lose 30 lbs in the last year , since signing up on this site. I also enrolled in Curves Smart, not sure if you have that where you are stationed, but it's a women's only fitness center, that allows you to do circuit training in 30 minutes and burn like 400-500 calories per workout. Works great for me, becasue i tend to lose interest real quick when the workouts go too long and hurt too bad:ohwell: But CurvesSmart works great becasue it's conditioned to adjust to your body and your fitness level and challenges at every workout.

    But I wanted to wish you the best of luck in your weight loss venture, becasue it sounds like you are doing awesome so far. Good luck on those semi annuat PT test!!
  • lahard0
    lahard0 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you! I see you are following the changes and are aware that its twice a year testing now. lol, I was so upset about that. Congrats on your 30lb weight loss. I only recently joined myfitnesspal. Prior to that I lost about 10lbs or so. I am still over BMI but am bottom heavy and get lucky on PT tests beause my upper body and waistline stays small. I used to pass with effort but it was doable. With the changes I can no longer slack on my run and rely on my waistline. That was a tough thing to come to terms with. I've never really been a runner know how it goes.

    As for the skinny jeans...i actually tried on a pair a week or two ago and they didnt look too bad. I was surprised. Of course, by the time I found a pair to fit my legs they were inches too big in the waist so I'm still not there just yet. Soon I hope. My husband gets back from Iraq in Feb and I really wanna have a newer and sexier look waiting for him.

    Anyway, you are is nice to see some AF Blue blood on here. If only I could retire. Unfortunately I just hit my ten year mark last week and have a while to go. Boooo!

    Good luck yourself on here and thanks again!!
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