When should I and what should I eat...

My hubby's schedule is nuts. He leaves by 6 every morning and doesn't get home until anywhere from 5-9 at night. He comes home for an hour ish for lunch each day. I have been wanting to walk (work my way to running) daily to lose weight and get into shape. With his schedule and when it gets daylight/dark I couldn't do this around his schedule...we have a little guy who is 15 months old. Hubby and I talked and he said he's ok with me taking that hour that he is home for lunch each day to walk/run so he can be here with our little guy. I plan to start doing this the beginning of this coming week. I plan to restart the 30day shred as well in the mornings before our son wakes up. I had to quit do to...we thought I was pregnant. But I'm not.

My thought is maybe I should drink my morning coffee/tea, do the shred, take a shower then eat my breakfast (and start making it more protein packed), then take my walk/run around 12 when hubby gets home and drink a protein fruit shake for lunch after I get back. I always eat a snack in the afternoon and a full home cooked meal at supper no matter what. That's hubby, son and I's time together and we eat together. I know this sounds so dumb but I'm just wondering if that sounds like a good plan foodwise or not?