I think I'm addicted

I'm at a point were I want to workout 2 times a day.

Right now I am taking on a "skinny jeans challenge" at the local boot-camp gym. I've been going for 3 weeks and its have been an experience. A good one. I love doing my 6 am work out but I think I want to add another. I already burn about 700 calories (per HRM) in the morning. I just think, I'm slowly becoming addicted to working out. I love the sweat and the burn during the workout.

I've lost 7 lbs in 3 wks and i totally think that is awesome, I don't want to over do it though. I'm realizing that I like group settings over something done individually. Idk. Just a thought to add about workout of some sort. Ooohhh maybe kick boxing!!!! Yea, that sounds good.

Tell me your thoughts.