My Inspiration

I've lost over 21 lbs since using MFP. It hasn't always been easy, but it's all been worth it.

I wanted to share my biggest inspiration with all of you guys.

I guy I know graduated with a degree in nutrition last year and has since helped hundreds of people lose weight through diet and exercise. He has made a facebook fan page for himself, and posts updates every single day about new, healthy recipes, workout tips, etc.

I honestly go on facebook every single day looking to see what he's posted. All of his pictures/recipes are what keep me motivated to continue losing.

Whether you're looking for fitness tips, or diet tips, you should have a look at his page. There's an entire album of before/after photos of people he has helped.

Here's the link:

I know for a fact you guys will be happy you clicked that link. He's helped me, and so many others get in shape. :smile: