PMS- More calories?



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with Talenti !!!!

    Um, excuse me. FIFY

    Talenti!? is that like Midol!?

    It's a type of tampon!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with Talenti !!!!

    Um, excuse me. FIFY

    Talenti!? is that like Midol!?

    It's a type of tampon!

    The mental images right now
  • KrazyDaizy
    KrazyDaizy Posts: 815 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    For ****'s sake man what are you doing in here! Thank god you have me to rescue you.

    *throws a chocolate covered steak into the pit and flees*

    Quick while they're distracted! Ruuun!

    No potato chips?
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    You don't like getting laid do you?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    You're doing it wrong... Plus, water weight

    I try not to go hog wild but if there's a day or two where I can't stop thinking about a sweet treat, I'll go ahead and have something. I do try to fit it into my daily but don't freak out if I go over a couple hundred calories. Like yesterday - I'm definitely PMSing, even got a zit! - and really wanted something sweet so I went down to the cafeteria and got a chocolate chip muffin. I swear, it was the best muffin EVER! It took care of my craving 100% and only put me over calories by biggee. Hell, I probably burned the extra walking up the stairs a couple times yesterday.

    Something I learned at WW eons ago - if you're craving something, really think about what you want and once you figure it out, go ahead and have it (in a reasonable portion). If you try to ignore the cravings, at some point you're just going to give in and eat whatever you can find and still not be satisfied. Makes perfect sense to me so I try to utilize this as much as possible.
  • melaniedsm
    melaniedsm Posts: 55
    One word Seasonique. I miss it so much. Period once every 3 months. Trying to get prego again and every month really sucks bad. You do burn more, my bodybugg showed an increased calories output for the day before and day after. Not huge, but like 250-350 calories. Eat red meat. I have been told by my Gyno, that you are starving because of all the iron/nutrient loss.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    No....I just become even more b!tchy :blushing:
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    Oooooh, check out the TROLL! Nice try, but every woman and doctor and scientist out there will disagree with you, and i'm sure a lot of them are going to very verbally disagree with you on this thread, so job well done from your perspective.

    The most difficult for me is halfway through my cycle and a few days before i'm 'on'. I just can't stop eating and crave sugar so much. If you burn extra calories whilst your on, then i definitely don't notice it! It's got to the stage where i can pinpoint the exact day i'll come on thanks to this behaviour. It also means i'm more prepared to control it, if i expect it.

    Good lord chill out. You must be PMSing.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    Oooooh, check out the TROLL! Nice try, but every woman and doctor and scientist out there will disagree with you, and i'm sure a lot of them are going to very verbally disagree with you on this thread, so job well done from your perspective.

    The most difficult for me is halfway through my cycle and a few days before i'm 'on'. I just can't stop eating and crave sugar so much. If you burn extra calories whilst your on, then i definitely don't notice it! It's got to the stage where i can pinpoint the exact day i'll come on thanks to this behaviour. It also means i'm more prepared to control it, if i expect it.

    Good lord chill out. You must be PMSing.

    I really wanted to say that but I figured she would tear my head off, It's hard to joke around women during their time of the month!
  • fr053n
    fr053n Posts: 2,793 Member
    I dont think there's any upside to PMS