Introducing myself

Hi, I'm Michael and my wife and I are starting to live healthy and eat smart. Exercising has never been a big part of our lives because when we met we were young and naturally active. After life took it's course and we as adults evolved into parents...that natural activeness sort of dissipated. We didn't even notice we were gaining weight until maybe a year after our daughter was born. Like others, we of course tried to diet. We would quickly flourish and then, when one would stop for a day or so, we would fall off the wagon (so to speak). This time is different because we have seen the error of our ways. We have vowed to push each other in times of weakness. Our diets are different and that's OK. I have more weight to lose so I am going the low to no carb, 1200 calorie, low sodium route ( for my heart ), and she is just watching her calorie intake since she only has about 50 lbs to lose. Having different diets is ideal because no two people are the same and your comfort level in the diet is crucial in maintaining it long term. Our exercise regimen, however, is the same and that is the key. Being able to workout together with a partner is motivation out the wazoo. I could do it alone, but where's the fun in that? Having a partner is equivalent having a physical trainer...but cheaper :) I feel real confident in our quest to looking our best.