
guys i've been workoing out now, i did stretching and warming up, then i did some 2 kg lifting for 15 min, i wanted to complete my cardio, but i feel my arms shacking and my thighs and legs are killing me... what should i do??? every thing seems to get even more hard, and i feel very frustrated :(..i stopped my workout now, and i don't know what to do...do i shower and that would be it??? do i stop using weights??? do i continue to workout although i feel very sore :'(:cry:


  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    If you weren't expecting to be so tired so soon in your workout, you may have not eaten enough, or planned too difficult of a workout for today. There are also just some days when our energy levels are low and it's hard to get through a workout.

    If you're shaking that much and sore, it would probably be best to stop for today. Then, look at your workout routine and decide if you need to change it so you can workout longer tomorrow.

    If you list what your routine is/was, perhaps you can get advice on a better one for your needs.
  • manoozo
    manoozo Posts: 156 Member
    the workout i did ,is one i've been doing for about 15 days, just yesterday i started adding weights (2kg dumbells), and yesterday i felt sore and shaking too, but at least i could stand up and complete my whole workout.... but today!!! it became sooooo hard for me, and i don't know why!!!!!
    after weight lifting i felt very very tired :(
    as for protein...i can't find protein powder anywhere here in my country...so i don't know what to do:cry: i don't want to give up so soon :cry: