Insanity Asylum

Is anyone doing Insanity Asylum? I am on Day 3. I have a support group for Insanity and Asylum on FB at if you like to join. Loved to hear what you thought about it and if you are thinking of doing Asylum 2 when it comes out.



  • I'm not doing Asylum (although I'd like to!) but I have completed 60 days of the Insanity program and I am going for another round starting Monday Oct. 1st. How do you like Asylum?
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    It is nothing like Insanity. It is a whole different ball park. It is the hardest workout program so far that I have done. I am on Day 3 and it is kicking my butt every time. I just finished P90x/Insanity hybrid before this. If you like more information on Asylum, let me know.