changes in self perception

I recently went through some old pictures of myself within the past two years. I honestly have never exercised or watched my diet. Come a year ago, my eating habits spiraled out of control (I averaged 5000-8000 kcal/day) and lived off metabolism just couldn't handle it so I reached my maximum weight.

Now looking back upon my four month journey to reach the weight I was a year and a half ago (still not quite there!), I'm somewhat more happy about myself. Perhaps it was all the hard work?? I spent my entire life hating my body and thinking I was incredibly fat at 120 lbs (I'm 5'4). It took gaining 25 pounds and feeling sluggish, buying an entire new wardrobe to realize "hey this is what it feels like to be truly uncomfortable in my skin" to change my perception of myself.

For those of you who have been thin, gained the weight for whatever reason, and lost it...have you noticed the change in self perception?? Does it really stick around or do you feel like you are always chasing unrealistic goals?? I'd love to hear everyone's stories!!