

  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    If your diary is accurate you're not drinking enough water. The next time you're hungry drink a glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If you're still hungry then eat. Otherwise, don't. Go read a book or something instead. Your body tells you you're hungry and you're thirsty with the same sensation. Here, have some data on the subject:

  • MizStephanie
    MizStephanie Posts: 51 Member
    I am the epitome of a binge eater(Have been one my whole life). I had gained 10-15 pounds from the beginning of the year...and FINALLY am back to my normal weight (134). I would always basically put myself on these horrible restriction diets...and then I would end up blowing it..gaining it all back with constant binging. I decided to try Jenny Craig which successfully helped me lose 7 pounds and gave me a good kick start. Although the food is processed...you will still lose weight and learn it is okay to not eat perfectly. I know it man not be for everyone...but it worked for me......and now I allow my self to eat a brownie if I want a brownie. There is a candy drawer where I work...and a couple days a week I will even have a mini bag of reese's pieces and a jolly rancher hard candy or whatever else I want MINI (but portioned...not 10 mini bags!) It is all about listening to your body...and if your having a craving....it is OKAY to give in but in moderation. This is the only thing that has been working for me. I have successfully stopped bingeing in the past 3 weeks...and am seeing such a change in my body (I also try to work out 5-6 days a week). As long as you log your calories and keep accountable for what you put in your mouth...it will not work. Hope this helps :)
  • MizStephanie
    MizStephanie Posts: 51 Member
    I meant.... As long as you log your calories and keep accountable for what you put in your mouth...it WILL work!! :)
  • I had the exact same problem. For me, what helped was I didn't stop eating, I just changed what I ate, then slowly decreased my eating. It stared out with dinner, ice cream, chips, candy, etc. When I finally realized it was a problem, I started to have things like lowfat yogurt, watermelon, grapefruit, green tea, and lots of water!