eating less than 1000



  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    My net calories are always around 1000, sometimes even less. I just don't eat that much to be honest. And I eat when I'm hungry, so no, I'm not starving. I eat a lot of salads and veggies when I am hungry along with lean protein, egg whites, and occasionally fruits and those things don't have high caloric values. I'm really short (5'0) and I feel like I need less fuel than everybody else does to keep going. I eat when I'm hungry, but I don't when I'm not. I don't shovel food into my mouth just to make my calorie intake for the day. I personally wouldn't worry about it.

    So hormonally youve suppressed ghrelin?
    Looking at your start date and loss I probably wouldnt take your advice.
    Not to be mean or anything but if you want to lose the rest of your weight you may want to diet correctly.

    You just described what happens to people who under eat chronically.
    They plummet hormonally and things go haywire.
    Right now at your intake, Leptin goes through the floor and ghrelin should be through the roof.
    Leptin signals the body its okay to lose fat because theres sufficient food.
    Ghrelin signals the body that you need to eat.
    You are probably getting neither.
    You should look into it.
    PM me if you need help understanding this stuff.
    I'll have my iPhone on me.

    That's okay, they don't have to take my advice. All anyone else on here is suggesting is eating peanut butter, and I do that every single day. I'm not going to eat more when I'm not hungry just so I can be eating more. That's how I start binge eating and eating all the time for absolutely no reason. I don't starve myself, I eat like 6 times a day, I just don't eat tons of calories. I'm also not trying to lose a ton of weight, and my start date was just the day I signed up on MFP. I've only really been using it for about a month.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What do you do when you intake less than 1,000 and your not hungry at all?

    If you aren't eating enough and still not hungry, it's because your body has responded to the lack of food by slowing your body's systems, including digestion and metabolism. There are very few people who should be on such a low calorie restriction, and then, only for a specific medical reason.

    You aren't doing yourself any favors by having a deficit that is too large. It actually makes it harder to burn fat instead of muscle.
  • ashumeow
    ashumeow Posts: 151 Member
    I couldn't believe that a man can eat under 1000 calories :O :O
    BITEME_GRRR Posts: 150 Member
    you really should eat healhty and plan out your meals often because your body will go into starvation mode and/or you will end up binging eventually. food is just fuel. you can only go on fumes so far. if the light goes on (hunger) great, but if it doesnt, you are still burning fuel...just remember that.
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I wouldn't do it everyday...but if it is just every now and then...ok.....
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    If you're not hungry, don't eat. Just don't make <1000 a habit.
  • eduardoschoen
    I am finding myself in the same predicament the last two weeks. My goal is 1500 calories which was easy to meet the first 4-6 weeks on the program my nutritionist put me on. I was eating every two to three hours just as I was feeling hungry. However, lately I can barely eat 1000 calories per day. I am not hungry at all and have plenty of energy during the day and during my workouts. My spoke to my nutritionist about it yesterday who indicated it is probably because my body has adapted to burning fat as energy. However, we are monitoring closely to make sure this doesn't go on for too long and have unintended side effects.

    Good luck meeting your goals!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    eh, it happens sometimes. Eating less than 1k isn't going to hurt if you only do it occasionally. If it was a daily / routine thing over a long time period, maybe it would bother you / your weight-loss efforts, though I think people around this site throw around "starvation mode" way to often, when in reality, starvation mode doesn't kick in unless very low calorie intake is 1) extreme; 2) long-term; 3) nutrient-poor foods.

    When TOM is here, I rarely eat above 1k, food just nauseates me during it, always has.
  • Malozing0809
    Malozing0809 Posts: 71 Member
    ummm nothing lol. so long as your meals are healthy. but don't look at my diary for yesterday i normally am low but im human, after 2 days in a top hotel getting home shattered i binged on biscuits before i fell asleep ooops not good.
    This. Don't eat if you aren't hungry. This being said don't wait to eat when you are starving.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    How does this happen? I have so much of a struggle keeping below 1200. I ate too much for so long which is why I'm fat.
    I'm not critisising, or being mean - I just don't understand.

    I doubt very seriously that you got fat from eating 1500-1800 calories per day. I went back to Jan 2, 2012 and used that day to log what a typical "before diet" would have been. It amounted to 4000 calories per day! Find your TDEE and cut from that.

    This is the link I used:

    Mfp wanted me on 1200 calories when I started. I changed my settings to allow myself 1500, but I still wasn't eating enough. I followed In Place of a Road Map and upped my calories. I am 5'4" and female and have maintained my lean body mass while losing 36 pounds in 12 weeks. Since my TDEE is about 2400 calories on non-excercise days, 1800 calories gives me the right amount of food to be healthy and happy, as well as losing an average of two pounds per week.

    Check out my thread:

    Everyone has a range of calories that works for them. For me it's 1800. It is hard for me to imagine that a man, unless he's a "little person" would eat less than me. You will lose lean body mass (muscles) and it will make it even harder for you to reach your long term goals. At 1800, there is still room to cut in a plateau. At under 1000, you are starving your body's systems and putting stress on it that could potentially be harmful in the long term.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    What do you do when you intake less than 1,000 and your not hungry at all?

    This is gonna be controversial..i can feel it.

    Gosh I hope not.. I don't want to eat under 1,000 it just happened today and with out being hungry.. I didn't get tired and even coached a 90 minute baseball practices on less than 600 Cals.. until i added the drinks..

    I disagree with the 1200 Cal diets as I feel that isn't enough on a daily basis.. I know today is just one day and i have no reason I won't hit close to my 1800 goal the next 3-4 days.. So I hope its not to controversial.. just asking do you eat anyway or just try to hit your goal the next day of 1800..

    A day or two of over-eating or under-eating isn't going to hurt you, it's the overall scheme of things, what you make habits of, and the plan you adhere to long-term which will determine your results.

    That being said, it sounds like you have room to include some delicious, healthy fats into your diet. I would look up foods high in mono-unsaturated fatty acids and begin including them to raise your calories.

    May also need to manually adjust MFP goals. Go here, run your numbers, judge for yourself:

    Best of luck.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I sometimes just don't eat them. Orrr....I get an Egg McMuffin on my way to work the next day and count those extra calories towards it. Yum!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Once in a green moon I'm under 1200, but it's usually like you mentioned, finally slept in late, skipped bfast, etc. A day here or there will not eat away at your muscles, long term your body will burn muscle before it burns fat (this is the danger of long term starvation mode, I lost A LOT of muscle mass in my younger years being stupid, but as you can tell I've built it back up in my more mature years!).

    Just keep on track with what you've been doing: if your profile pic is current you're not looking like you're starving yourself & look to have pretty good muscle mass. Don't worry about it. Just ensure you're doing strength training, getting plenty of lean proteins & drinking water - those are my rules of life :flowerforyou:
  • lila1980
    lila1980 Posts: 63 Member
    Weight loss isn't a day-long battle. Calories in a given day don't mean anything. Look at your intake over a longer period of time. I have days when I eat like a bird, and days when it's like I can't eat enough.

    IMHO - Just as long as it balances out over the long term and you continue to maintain a deficit, you're fine. If you're not hungry, don't eat. If you're hungry, eat. It doesn't have to be this difficult.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'd like to point out that 600 of those 1000 calories came from alcohol

    Maybe you're not hungry because you're drunk

    Edit: maybe that explains your posting here too
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You are a 6'2'' male and you past several days have been close to or under 1200. You eat almost no food. This is not healthy for you. If your diary is accurate, you really, really need to eat A LOT MORE FOOD!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    First world problems....

    Go eat.
  • eecruzmd
    eecruzmd Posts: 119 Member
    When I get to 1000 or less calories and Im not hungry anymore then I dont eat anything else. Why force yourself when you're completely satisfied? I know if I do, I get sick to my stomach.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    What do you do when you intake less than 1,000 and your not hungry at all?

    see a dr.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I have been on here over 600 days and I think I only ate less than 1,000 calories one time. I am a 34 year old woman who eats like a teenage boy.

    ETA: The only reason I ate below 1,000 that one time was because I was terribly sick!