green tea helps you burn fat faster because....

green tea increases your metabolism making you burn more fat and it's a mild appetite suppresant that maked you eat less so weight loss becomes a natural process with green tea.

green tea is a diurectic that removes excess water weight from your body that makes you look bloated.

Dr. Nicholas Perricone told Oprah Winfrey that she could lose 10 pounds in 4 to 6 weeks drinking green tea instead of coffee

The catechins in green tea forces your body into thermogensis - this is where your body burns fat for enegy

green tea causes carbohydrates to be released slowly, preventing rises in blood insulin levels and this causes your body to burn fat

green tea prvents you from gaining weight by stopping the movement of sugar into your fat cells. Evidence shows that drinking green tea is related to reduction in body fat.

in a test where 10 men were given green tea, caffeine, or a placebo with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The men who took green tea burned more fat than the placebo.groupls.

Research shows you can burn 35 to 43% more fat during th day when you drink 3 to 5 cups of green tea

The internaional Journal of obesity states that green tea contains polyphenols which causes your body to produce heat that burns off your body fat

The Univesity of chicago's tang center for herbal medical research shows green tea reduces the fat deposits under your skin and the fat in your belly area

studies show that when you drink green tea every day for 3 months you'll lose more body fat than those who drink regular tea.

lots of green tea weight loss studies prove green tea lowers blood sugar a lower blood sugar reduces your cravings making you not eat as much so you won't gain any weight.

several studies on obesity hace concluded that people who've been drinking green tea for more than 10 years showed lower body fat percentages compared with those who don't drink green tea regulary.


  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Does this apply to caffeine free ( decaf)?
  • yoyogirl68
    Thank you. I have heard that Green Tea is good for you but certainly didn't know all that!!
    I've got some in my pantry and might even start having a cup with brekkie instead of coffee. nah...
    But I do have it at work, usually 1-2 cups a day. Maybe should make that 3-4 cups a day.
    Thanks again.
  • erica6732
    erica6732 Posts: 80 Member
    i don't think it applies to caffeine free. the caffeine works in conjuction with other things in the tea. I know i wanted to try caffeine free because i have trouble sleeping. feel free to google it and see what comes up
  • erica6732
    erica6732 Posts: 80 Member
    be cafeful though - green tea also has mild natural laxative effects. i drank 2 cups yesterday and i went 4 times!!! I guess that can be considered a good thing that it is flushing me out!!