To Drink Water or Not to Drink water???

I've never been a big water drinker. I barely get in 2 cups if that. The only time I really drink water is during and after my workout and it's usually from the water fountain at the gym which means it's probably like a few sips. Im still able to lose weight. I'm a sweet tea drinker. So I'm just curious to see if I'm the only one who feels this way. Your thoughts


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Honestly I used to be the same way. Then I started keeping a bottle of water on my desk at work. While I still don't enjoy the taste as much as I like, I do crave it and generally get between 9-12 cups a day in at work.

    You don't HAVE to drink 8 glasses a day, that number is a general number that is not backed by science. You might need more, you might need less. But yes you need water to function effectively.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    I NEVER used to drink water, like you 1 or 2 cups a day at most. The one thing that has helped me is flavoured green tea. I love drinking it either cold or hot so I usually make about 4 in work, sip it while its hot and finish it when its cold, because its beside me while I work I almost aimlessly drink it without realising and it tastes good. I also got a sports bottle which holds 2 cups at a time, I fill this in the morning and again in the afternoon as well as having an extra one at the gym so there alone you can easily get to 8-10 cups a day. Its not easy and its literally taken me 6 months to get to this point and theres still days I go with less but stick with it, experiment with flavoured teas etc :)
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I used to hardly drink water before it was all diet pepsi's and then water while i was working out. After I kicked that habit and started drinking water all the time I felt so much better and my skin looked a whole lot better!
  • Jo5ie
    Jo5ie Posts: 33 Member
    I think your body lets you know if it needs water. If you are drinking sweet tea then this is probably enough for you as you are still intaking fluid. I can't stand drinking water unless I am thirsty and then it's lovely. No other animals are told when to eat and drink and the recommended 8 glasses is not something people should feel obliged to drink if they don't like it. In saying all that there are HUGE benefits from drinking water, improving your digestion, good for your skin,....the list is endless.

    My humble view is drink it if you want but you shouldn't put yourself under pressure to x
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I don't think there's any magic formula for how much water you need to drink...just make sure you stay well hydrated. Your body needs water to carry out its vital functions efficiently. A lot of people experience fatigue and sluggishness due to dehydration and don't even realize it. Tea is supposed to be a diuretic, but I think the water helps balance that out so drinking sweet tea is probably better than nothing.

    My tip for drinking more water would be to keep it in a cup with a straw. For some reason, I drink way more that way.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The most important thing is that you're getting enough fluids, water is the main ingredient in everything you drink and your foods (an apple is over 80% water).

    Personally, I'm a fan of water just because it's zero calories and (for all practical purposes) free - I turn on my tap and fill up a glass.
  • fatsopig
    The human body is 80% water. Adequate hydration is essential to so many parts of weight loss. It helps you feel full, it helps flush out all of the toxins, waste and other bad things that slow weight loss. The body can go weeks without food but only a few days without water before shutting down. Try using Mio or the Crystal Light packets that you can add to water - tons of flavors available. Of course, the plain stuff is the best but this might help you up your intake and keep you hydrated without the added caffeine of the tea. Hope this helps! FYI - I am a former soda junkie who only drinks water (ok- and an occassional beer).
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    I second the flavored tea - Davidson's even has some that have honey in the bag so you get a little sweetness. I wuold start by trimming the "sweet" in your sweet tea if you make it yourself and if not just drop getting it. I also like water much better carbonated with a little juice in it (courtesy of my Soda Stream) or at least with a splash of lime or lemon. I also keep a 24 oz TervisTumbler at my desk ( which works for hot or cold tea) and fill that up 5-6x per day. Last note I have is prepare to take more bathroom breaks!!!
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    The body can go weeks without food but only a few days without water before shutting down.
    Well she's been doing this for longer than a few days so I'd say she's obvioulsy getting fluids from the tea and from her food, since her body hasn't shut down yet.
    Try using Mio or the Crystal Light packets that you can add to water - tons of flavors available.
    Tell me why adding these things is better than adding tea leaves. Seriously.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    I've learned to drink water, and even like it, but it has to be ice water. My office has two ice machines and two filtered-water dispensers available to the employees, which really makes it easy. I don't necessarily get 8 cups/day--like the other poster said, theire's no science behind that assertion--I just drink to thirst.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    The sweet tea drinking, if you drink a lot of it, would seem to be more of a problem than the minimal water drinking, although water is a healthy beverage.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Try using Mio or the Crystal Light packets that you can add to water - tons of flavors available.
    Tell me why adding these things is better than adding tea leaves. Seriously.

    Because some people don't like tea? I won't touch it. Nasty stuff.

    *Edited to fix my quoting code mistake.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    Try using Mio or the Crystal Light packets that you can add to water - tons of flavors available.
    Tell me why adding these things is better than adding tea leaves. Seriously.

    Because some people don't like tea? I won't touch it. Nasty stuff.

    *Edited to fix my quoting code mistake.
    Wow, really? I think since OP states she is a sweet tea drinker, she does not think it's nasty. I'm asking why the previous poster suggested switching from tea to chemicals.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    i drink 8 to 10 glasses a day! ITS GOOD FOR YOU!
  • auntygill
    auntygill Posts: 108 Member
    i dont drink a lot of water , and i am fine if i want it i will have it .but dont like it much .x
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    Well, if you're well hydrated, your urine will be light in color to clear (if you're super, super, super hydrated). As long as your urine isn't dark yellow, and you feel comfortable with drinking sweet tea - do it.

    I drink water (rather than sweetened beverages) because A. for all intents and purposes, water is free, B. personally, I don't like to drink my calories and nutrients, C. I have very fickle skin, and water helps keep it looking its best, and D. I really struggle to keep my sugar at <27 every day, so I try to avoid sweetened beverages for that reason.

    I'm a big fan of water, but that's just my opinion. It's still your body -- and everyone's body is different.
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    Drink water, and lots of it.
  • Mrs_Fit
    Mrs_Fit Posts: 86 Member
    I purchase the small bottle of Sam's Choice from Walmart they are 10 fluid oz and I seem to drink them quickly. I used to barely drink water until I had gotten these bottles. I usually drink 4-6 bottles while at work, which is a whole lot better than what I used to do. I guess you just have to do what works for you. (OAN: Water has 0 calories as opposed to other drinks and I don't have to worry about adding 100+ calories to MFP for each drink in addition to what I had to eat.)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Try using Mio or the Crystal Light packets that you can add to water - tons of flavors available.
    Tell me why adding these things is better than adding tea leaves. Seriously.

    Because some people don't like tea? I won't touch it. Nasty stuff.

    *Edited to fix my quoting code mistake.
    Wow, really? I think since OP states she is a sweet tea drinker, she does not think it's nasty. I'm asking why the previous poster suggested switching from tea to chemicals.

    Ah, I see that she suggests it as being better because there's no caffeine. As to why drinking chemical sweeteners is healthier than a small dose of caffeine, I can't figure that out, either. Sorry, I thought it was specifically a taste thing since the line with caffeine wasn't in your quote.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Used to hate water. Started drinking a few bottles a day and now I can't live without it!

    It's just takes your body some adjusting to, but since it's what your body naturally SHOULD crave, you start to like it once you get off whatever else you've been drinking.