Hellow, this is me


I've been on this website for a couple of weeks, but I've only just recently learned how to upload a picture :laugh: So, I thought I'd introduce myself now, with this image. It's basically who I am in numbers :)


At the time of this body analysis (august, before vacation:blushing: ), I weighed 84.1 kg, but it has already gone up to 85 kg by september (after vacation :blushing: )

My muscle mass is pretty high for someone who didn't exercise and has a desk job.
unfortunately, my fat mass is also pretty high :laugh: So that's gonna have to change. Working on it...
Viscerale vetwaarde = This is the fat in the abdomen and around the vital organs. A healthy visceral fat percentage is between 1 and 12. A Visceral fat percentage of +13 means you have a bigger chance of haert disease, high blood pressure, diabetes (type 2),... I'm good here
BMR: 1580. Quite low. means most of the food I take in is not used for burning calories but is immediatly stored as fat.
BMI: 31.7 I'm officially obese :wink: but my current weight is already down to 81.9, so this is slowly going down...

I decided to change my ways after seeing this analysis. Now, I've started going to the gym 3x/week, and eating healthier. And it shows. Since starting MFP, I've lost 3.1 kg or 6.8 pounds.

Maybe one day, I'll have the nerve to post an actual picture of myself on here :)


  • bcmciver1
    bcmciver1 Posts: 12 Member
    wow, that is a really detailed analysis!! i thought my scales were good as they can tell me body fat% and water% in my body (well it shows up on the scale, not sure how accurate it is) where did you have this done, guessing not australia
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    Not Australia, but Belgium :) It was done at the hospital, everone could have a check-up for free, and than have it done two months later again, and you were supposed to have lost 2 kg. I didn't lose anything, but I was glad to have this as a starting base for MFP.
  • bcmciver1
    bcmciver1 Posts: 12 Member
    i love it
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    Maybe you can find a doctor or dietician near you who can do scans like this, all they need is a Tanita body analyser (or similar). Or a hospital? I'm not familiar with the australian health care system...

    Or you could just buy a machine like this, if budget is no problem :-D They're only like $5,000
  • bcmciver1
    bcmciver1 Posts: 12 Member
    i wish budget wasn't a problem. I just bought myself a fitbit, and was worried about the cost ($120) but it is so worth it. It's a pedometer but really sensitive, it calculates steps, calories burned, distance, flights of stairs climbed. and you can sleep with it on your wrist and it analises your sleep too. I have not been without it one day since i bought it, it really keeps me motivated. I do a 3km walk at least once a day, but try for 3 times a day. My fitbit links up with My Fitness Pal, so MFP knows how many steps I've done and therefore calories burned. I feel that I cannot let myself slip up with the fitbit watching my every step
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    Wow, that is really cool :-D I wonder if I can buy that in Belgium. Guess if Amazon has it, then yes. 120$ is a lot of money though... But I see just now on amazon.co.uk they sell for £69.99
    I'll save up first, then see if maybe santa Clause can give me a little extra :)
    How exactly does it analyse your sleep?

    Thanks for the info!
  • bcmciver1
    bcmciver1 Posts: 12 Member
    It comes with a liilte band that you put around your wrist and ship it onto, and you press the button when you are ready to go to sleep, after reading or watching TV, (pretty much when u are closing your eyes trying to sleep) it calculates how long it took to fall asleep, what time you pressed the button, how many times you woke up during the night, how long you were in be, and your sleep efficiency. It's not like a sleep apnea test, it just goes on movement, if you are rolling or moving then you are not asleep properly, even though you may not remember or realise you are moving. I find it really fasinating..
  • bcmciver1
    bcmciver1 Posts: 12 Member
    i have the fitbit ultra