Only a stone to lose but I can't get my act in gear! Help!

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum and I'm looking for advise. I don't have a huge amount to lose, only a stone, but I find it so hard to keep on track. I'm great in the day then it goes wrong in the eve with booze and food!

I exercise all the time and love it, but I undo my hard work with food. I think my problems are bordum eating, greed (if my boyfriends eating something nice I want it!) and alcohol. oh and using my thyroid as an excuse! My medication is fine and my levels are stable - its not the reason anymore!!!

I'm vegetarian and healthy when I'm eating right! I know exactly what I should be eating I just struggle to put it into practice consistently! Anyone got any suggestions? Trying to lose a stone nice and slowly to be confident in my party dress at Xmas and my bikini when we visit boyfriends parents in America!

Thanks in advance!!
