The worst feeling ever...



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can't see the pic in your post (I'm at work and it's blocked) but if that is you in the profile pic, you look fantastic! I would suggest that perhaps these 16 yo girls were just being jealous and catty. The thing about girls (and women) is that we know how to hit low and dirty with words. The trick is learning how to shake off those low blows.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Honestly, You look amazing, I wish I had that tummy......
  • KBE1990
    Honey, you're not fat! They are just jealous! I so don't know what is wrong with people these days! You look AMAZING! I don't know what is up with people and liking rail thin people, that's disgusting! It's better to look healthy and normal than to look sick with ribs poking out! You're perfect the way you are! NEVER forget that okay! They are just jealous, when people say mean things, it's usually to make themselves feel better...
  • sivankeren
    sivankeren Posts: 105 Member
    I just wanted to thank you all. I don't think you can understand how much this means to me, having a community that cares and understands. After a day of moping around, thanks to your comments I realized something- this shouldn't be a setback. it should be a motivator. I have a trip to France coming up, and I will use this to keep me in check.
    And I promise you- next time these idiots see me, I will be H-O-T!!!

    Love you all :heart:

    Did I mention how great you all are?
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I remember when I was a teenager I said something to a friend about another person's weight and the person heard me. At the time I knew it wasn't kind to talk about someone like that but I was making an observation not trying to be nasty at all. Now I'm older and wiser I still think about that and realise how she must have felt. Kids says stupid things. I think you look ok in that photo - way better than I would look in a bikini.